[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Homework Party on May 21 (Sat)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed May 18 11:58:48 PDT 2022

Please do not reply to this email. Contact Vice Principal Harrison Blatt at
harrisonblatt at berkeley.net with questions.

BHS is planning two Saturday "Homework Parties"

WHAT: a study-hall-type event where students have an on-campus space to
complete assignments, use chromebooks, receive support from staff, and eat

WHEN: Two Saturdays, May 14 and May 21, 10:30am-1:30pm

WHERE: M110 (enter through the M-gate on Milvia and Bancroft)

WHO: Any and all BHS students are invited. Students with failing grades are
encouraged to attend.

WHY: By providing additional space and support for students near the end of
the school year, we believe that students will be able to show mastery of
additional content and improve their grades.


Comuníquese con el subdirector Harrison Blatt (harrisonblatt at berkeley.net)
si tiene preguntas

BHS esta planeando dos sabados de Fiestas de tarea

QUE: un evento tipo sala de estudio donde los estudiantes tienen un espacio
en el campus para completar tareas, usar Chromebooks, recibir apoyo del
personal y almorzar

CUÁNDO: Dos sábados, 14 y 21 de mayo, de 10:30 a. m. a 1:30 p. m.

DÓNDE: M110 (ingrese por la puerta M en Milvia y Bancroft)

QUIÉN: Todos y cada uno de los estudiantes de BHS están invitados. Se anima
a los estudiantes con calificaciones reprobatorias de asistir..

POR QUÉ: al proporcionar espacio adicional y apoyo para los estudiantes
cerca del final del año escolar, creemos que los estudiantes podrán
demostrar dominio de contenido adicional para mejorar sus calificaciones.

Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, Chaghig Walker, and Charlotte Le Liboux are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the E-tree; please direct any questions
about the E-tree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

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BHS website <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>
BUSD 2021-2022 Calendar
BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación

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