[BHS Etree] BUSD: BHS Distance Learning Town Halls 12/3

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Nov 16 14:59:51 PST 2020

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Dr. Brent Stephens <https://www.berkeleyschools.net/about-the-district/superintendents-page/> if you have any questions. 

Hello BHS Families,

Please see the message below from BUSD Superintendent Dr. Brent Stephens:

So that families can again be involved in providing feedback on an eventual detailed plan for hybrid learning, we are seeking to involve parents/guardians in Town Halls.

We will conduct student and family Town Halls to provide feedback on the following:

BUSD planning assumptions; and 
variety of hypothetical hybrid learning models. 

High School Students
Thursday, December 3, 3:00 pm
Webinar Link <https://berkeley-net.zoom.us/j/87099980144?pwd=b1J1R1o5MGVnRThZbGFPMjdFaXVkUT09>
High School Families
Thursday, December 3, 6:00 pm
Webinar Link <https://berkeley-net.zoom.us/j/82617642516?pwd=NUppNFR3cUp5WFdqdktHYTY1ZFYvZz09>
Thank you. 
Hola familias de BHS,

Por favor de no responder a este email. Comuníquese con el Dr. Brent Stephens <https://www.berkeleyschools.net/about-the-district/superintendents-page/> si tiene alguna pregunta.

Por favor vea el mensaje a continuación del Superintendente de BUSD, Dr. Brent Stephens:

Para que las familias puedan participar nuevamente en proporcionar comentarios sobre un eventual plan detallado para el aprendizaje híbrido, estamos buscando involucrar a los padres / tutores en los ayuntamientos.

Llevaremos a cabo reuniones comunitarias para padres / tutores y estudiantes para proporcionar comentarios sobre lo siguiente:

     - Supuestos de planificación de BUSD; 
     - y variedad de modelos hipotéticos de aprendizaje híbrido.

Estudiantes: Jueves, 3 de diciembre, 3:00pm Enlace al seminario web <https://berkeley-net.zoom.us/j/87099980144?pwd=b1J1R1o5MGVnRThZbGFPMjdFaXVkUT09#success> 
Familias: Jueves, 3 de diciembre, 6:00pm Enlace al seminario web <https://berkeley-net.zoom.us/j/82617642516?pwd=NUppNFR3cUp5WFdqdktHYTY1ZFYvZz09#success>


Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, Chaghig Walker, and Charlotte Le Liboux are the parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>.
BHS Etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/ <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>
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BUSD 2020-2021 Calendar: 2020-2021 Calendar <https://www.berkeleyschools.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2020-21-BUSDCalendar_5.15.19.pdf>
BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación: http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy <http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy>
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