[BHS Etree] STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Celebrating the Class of 2020: June 12 (Fri)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu Jun 4 18:55:27 PDT 2020

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mr. V,  johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net <mailto:johnvillavicencio at berkeley.net>
- C - O - N - G - R - A -T - U - L - A - T - I - O - N - S - ! -
- - - - - - - - - - Class of 2020 - - - - - - - - - -
Please review the Senior Letter for end-of-year stuff <https://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/student-activities-3/senior-information-2/> like cultural celebrations, SLC graduations, diplomas, textbook/library returns and more...
Virtual Watch Party begins at 5:00 PM 
DJ Valentine aka Stuart Williams, BHS '13, will be livestreaming a special set for the Class of 2020 on Instagram <http://berkeleyhighschool_leadership/> @berkeleyhighschool_leadership/ <http://berkeleyhighschool_leadership/>
Make Some Noise for BUSD Graduates at 5:20 p.m. on June 12!
Join the entire Berkeley community just prior to the high school graduation in a shout out to all of Berkeley Unified School District's graduating classes. Celebrate and show your support for the 732 rising 6th graders who will move to middle school in Fall 2020, the 746 rising 9th graders who will begin high school in Fall 2020, and the 810 graduates from the Class of 2020 who are graduating under circumstances no one could have imagined.
At 5:20 p.m. on June 12, step outside to clap, ring bells, blow horns, and shout your congratulations to these special graduates for two minutes.  Invite friends and community members to participate. Snap a photo of your family celebrating and post to social media with the hashtag: #BerkeleyUnified #2020Jackets
Virtual Ceremony 5:30 PM on FRIDAY, JUNE 12 
There will be a 30-minute ceremony featuring student speakers, performances and guest speakers. The procession of graduates is to follow which could take 60-80 minutes to celebrate all 800+ grads. The ceremony will stream on June 12 starting at 5:30 pm here: 
berkeley-hs.stageclip.com/ <https://berkeley-hs.stageclip.com/>
***no need to have YouTube membership
***ceremony and graduation slides will also be available for viewing at a later date
***to watch on a smart tv, you may need to learn how to cast from a device to your specific SMART tv. Some Smart TVs have this feature built-in and some need an additional piece of hardware. 
***to watch on any tv, you may need an additional cable from a device to your tv.
 SENIOR PORCH-TRAITS offer from Berkeley Times!!!
During these strange and challenging times, Berkeley Times is now scheduling photo shoots for any high school graduate within the community of Berkeley who schedules a photo shoot before June 14. Once captured, the porch-trait will then be published in the upcoming Graduation Edition, which will be circulated on Thursday, June 25. Working with professional portrait photographer (and Berkeley resident) Louis Bryant III, we will drive up at the scheduled time, and shoot a series of photographs of the graduate on their front porch while respecting "social distancing" practices.
The only requirement is that the student be graduating from a Berkeley high school, and that they present themselves in an honoring way (cap & gown, varsity uniform, etc.). Due to social distancing standards, groups are not allowed. Individual portraits only. For an example of a senior porch-trait, see the sample attached below (the pictured graduating senior is Berkeley Times intern Max Sklar (BHS AHA); and that's photographer Louis Bryant III on the right).
Louis and Todd are now scheduling shoots every half hour (each lasting just 10 minutes) on certain dates and times from June 3 - 14.
To schedule a porch-trait, graduating seniors should contact Todd Kerr directly (510 332 7572, editor at berkeleyx.org <mailto:editor at berkeleyx.org>).If there's popular demand (and resources), B-X will consider shooting senior porch-traits during the week of of June 15, schedule TBD.

The Warriors Recognize the Class of 2020!!!
Special message to the Class of 2020 from the Golden State Warriors! <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wh0QBQsUbnYAIZBES9OqEy-4AMscZa9k/view?usp=sharing>
Seniors, you're almost to the finish line! Finish strong!

For sale until May 22 2020 Senior Shirts <https://bit.ly/BHS2020SENIORSHIRTS>!
Berkeley High School is 1 B I G, R E D & G O L D Family!

Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, and Chaghig Walker are the parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net?subject=>.

BHS etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/ <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>
BHS website: http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/ <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>
BUSD 2019-2020 Calendar: http://bit.ly/BUSDCalendar1920 <https://www.berkeleyschools.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/BerkeleyUSDCalendar-K12-2019-20-v6.pdf>
BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación: http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy <http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy>

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