[BHS Etree] BULLETIN: Student Daily Bulletin Jan. 31 (Fri)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Jan 31 10:40:15 PST 2020

PLEASE do not reply to this email. Announcements are reviewed in the BHS Main Office by Vice Principal 
Tammy Rose bhsmorningannouncements at berkeley.net <mailto:bhsmorningannouncements at berkeley.net>
Friday, January 31, 2020

Students and parents, please be cautious near the bike lanes on Milvia, all around campus, and in the community. 
Use blinkers when pulling off the road, hazard lights when stopped, and ALWAYS look for cyclists in the bike lanes before opening doors during morning drop-off, pick-up, and when picking up students during sporting events/practices.
This is a serious issue that can result in fatalities and serious injury, both to the cyclists and potentially students getting in/out of cars. 
Thank you for your attention to this matter. 
Last night, the boys wrestling team went against San Leandro and Hayward. They lost to San Leandro 54-30 highlighted by pins from Sunish Patel, Jeshua Gustafson, Kyle Gaunavinaka, and Youssef Morsy. They then went on to defeat Hayward 48-12 with pins from Caton Woll and Gabe Ross.

Come see Our Monologues performed for the first time this Friday and Saturday! Doors open at 6:30! Students get in for $5 every night, Friday, February 7th, is pay what you can! Tickets are available both online and at the door! It is an incredible show that everyone needs to see so please come support!

Cal Men's Basketball Game!
Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 1:00 pm, versus Oregon State
500 Free tickets to first 500 BUSD students, faculty, and staff to sign up
For signup / questions, email ivan at goodlifecoupons.com <mailto:ivan at goodlifecoupons.com>
Ticket pickup starts at 10 am at the Cal Student Store (2495 Bancroft Way)

Each student must bring a family member 21 years of age or older.
BUSD Faculty or Staff can bring family members or friends of any age.
Name must be provided at signup and will be checked upon pickup of tickets just prior to the game.

Desperately Seeking MENTORS for Snap the Gap program!
Snap The Gap <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Z8kbnH9CblxaZlsLJQBes5S6vJlCk3WFSWkKgzAa99OAhb3HhOOT6TX30L07Mg5TyPOS5vIKvv0tEyk9asg-BnyJGl2QR2E9th3utn10puyE2PG0T6iZb4D2iFojp2DQCgrVYOq5ZtzaE-gx_OleZw==&c=PBO5x8lHanbZLDnb4RL321EWH9Yp2osvjdRVqkanBBTeAFmT_xjvqg==&ch=Nkk9ItE-uISM4MjwNXBzWBf_Cc1WZoJKy3eWOozOuQKBNI1YdSy3xQ==> 
Dates: 2/7-5/8 (excluding 2/14, 2/28, 4/3, 4/24)
Time: 3:15pm to 4:15pm 
Place: room 218 - King Lab - Martin Luther King Middle School, Berkeley
Contact: amytalley at berkeley.net <mailto:amytalley at berkeley.net>
Mentor training <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Z8kbnH9CblxaZlsLJQBes5S6vJlCk3WFSWkKgzAa99OAhb3HhOOT6am_amPkqHgInr31JhEyiHVCwyP0yLafy745ipBNIPj0s_NSxZOdst_e3nG1QX41v_GBt2oqxoa_gwo0DSAoOccA5csRcWFMp9mwGNjzaN-KMLqIAXD0xl4=&c=PBO5x8lHanbZLDnb4RL321EWH9Yp2osvjdRVqkanBBTeAFmT_xjvqg==&ch=Nkk9ItE-uISM4MjwNXBzWBf_Cc1WZoJKy3eWOozOuQKBNI1YdSy3xQ==>
 Do you need to be technical? NO. Ms.Talley will lead all sessions! 
 Things our girls DO need:
Someone who is committed to all 10 sessions.
Someone who is creative and a problem solver.
Someone who is ready to encourage and help lead her to believing in her own solutions!
I am looking for any women, or HIGH SCHOOL girls who are ready to give back in a big way by encouraging 
and leading our middle school girls into a love of STEM and invention! 
Our goal is 24 mentors so that we have a one-to-one with every girl in the program!
Please contact me with ANY questions or interest!! amytalley at berkeley.net <mailto:amytalley at berkeley.net>.

Have a great weekend!

Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, and Chaghig Walker are the parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net?subject=>.

BHS etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/ <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>
BHS website: http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/ <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>
BUSD 2019-2020 Calendar: http://bit.ly/BUSDCalendar1920 <https://www.berkeleyschools.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/BerkeleyUSDCalendar-K12-2019-20-v6.pdf>
BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación: http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy <http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy>

To post a message, send to: bhs at lmi.net <mailto:bhs at lmi.net?subject=>.

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