[BHS Etree] PARENT RESOURCE CENTER: PCAD Meeting, Nov. 2 (Sat)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu Oct 31 13:10:55 PDT 2019

Please do not reply to this message, contact Irma Parker at
irmaparker at berkeley.net.

At this Saturday's Nov 2 PCAD (Parents of Children of African Descent)
Meeting we will learn about BHS’s Career Technical Education (CTE) classes
from CTE program director Wyn Skeels.

CTE classes offer professional career training in BioTech, Robotics,
Mechatronics, Sound and Music Production and Technical Theater Production,
just to name a few.

Why CTE classes?


   Hands on learning instead of lectures. CTE classes cater to diverse
   learning styles.

   Interact with real professionals. BHS’s CTE program maintains
   partnerships with fire departments, EMS (paramedics) providers, service
   unions and biotech firms that give CTE students access to industry
   knowledge and contacts.

   Distinguish your application in the college admissions process. It is
   routine for an academically competitive profile to contain AP classes and a
   high GPA. Students who have demonstrated their passion for a field of study
   through CTE classes can stand out to college recruiters and admissions

   Students find their people. Students get to contribute to projects,
   connect with peers and feel like they are part of a team. Students often
   bond and form friendships as they work to get the job done.

   Experience using state of the art equipment. Various CTE class allow
   students to learn to use things such as sound mixing boards, 3D printers,
   laser cutters, table saws, basic carpentry tools, and soldering tools;
   software for rendering blue prints and models or photo restoration.
   Students can learn to craft stage sets for theater productions and design
   stage lighting.

Saturday Nov 2, 10 am -12 pm in the College Career Center (2nd floor Admin
Building) Come learn how CTE can benefit your learner, interact with other
parents and receive information that can help you support your child's
success at Berkeley High School.

Refreshments will be provided!

We hope to see your face in the place!

Irma Parker

Office of Family Engagement and Equity

Berkeley High School

1980 Allston Way, Room D224


Nicole Chee, Jenny Fosket, and Chaghig Walker are the parent-volunteer
facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to
them at bhs-owner at lmi.net.

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BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación:

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