[BHS Etree] COLLEGE/CAREER: PSAT paper copies for pick up by students in CCC: Before school or lunch only

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Feb 1 17:54:40 PST 2019

PLEASE do not reply to this email, please reply to Mary Jacobs in CCC at
maryjacobs at berkeley.net <maryjacobs at berkeley.net?subject=>.

*PSAT Test Takers from October 2018:*

You may view the PSAT scores on-line at your College Board account.  Go to:

*Starting Monday, February 4, 2019:*

You may also pick up the paper copy of test results from the College &
Career Center (CCC) in D-221 during certain times.

*What:* Pick up paper copy of PSAT test results

*When: Before school or during lunch only.* (I am assigned part time hours;
therefore, after school is not a pick up option.)

Pick up is not available on the following dates: 2/15 and 2/18: No School
for Presidents' Holiday

*Where:* College & Career Center (CCC), D-221

*How: *Students show the school ID or other picture identification.  Sorry,
I cannot give tests to other people.  Student test-takers only, please.

*Trouble shooting-* Cannot see your scores on-line?  Do you have one
account only?  Have you used your legal name?   Spelled correctly?  Correct
birth date?   Students, you may have to call College Board to ask about
your account at *1-866-392-4078*.

*Useful CCC Links:*

College &Career Center Resources:

College & Career Calendar:

*Naviance: *

Log in for new software program that lets you explore colleges and careers.
Keep track of your transcripts and letters of recommendation for college
applications. Match with the Common Application for over 600 private

~Website: https://student.naviance.com/berkeleyhigh

~username:  student e-mail (i.e. davidan at students.berkeley.net)

~password:   Berkeley + student ID # (i.e. Berkeley1234567)


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BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación:

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