[BHS Etree] PTSA: CORRECTION: Jan. 23 (Wed) meeting BUSD Sustainability Plan Link

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Jan 18 09:38:43 PST 2019

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact bhs-ptsa at berkeleypta.org

We accidentally sent this message without the correct link for the sustainability plan. Please find it here: BUSD Sustainability Plan.

January 23rd PTSA Meeting

Please come to the next PTSA meeting on January 23 in the BHS library from 6:30 to 8PM. At 6:15PM a light dinner will be available consisting of chicken, vegetarian sides, and salad selections from Poulet.  

Two topics will be discussed: 
Marijuana Use on the BHS campus    
BHS parent input for the BUSD Facilities Plan
Marijuana on Campus

With six cannabis dispensaries/retailers zoned to operate in Berkeley, marijuana use is an issue of note to parents of teenagers. The PTSA wants to hear parent concerns about pot use on campus. BHS Dean of Students Kiernan Rok is coming to share some data related to marijuana use at BHS and discuss some of the preventative and responsive strategies in place to address this issue. 

Facilities Plan Input

BUSD has contracted HY architects to prepare BUSD's 10-year Facility Plan to meet current and future needs of students and staff. The ultimate goal is to define a vision for all Berkeley schools and a plan for development that look 10 years into the future (and will be used to draft the next bond measure). HY has already met with the principal and VP group as well as the school’s leadership team to gather preliminary information. The voices of parents and students are needed at this time. HY architects will be at the meeting to review the information gained to date and to gain insight and information related to parent experiences with the campus. 

On a related note, the new BUSD Sustainability Plan lays out goals for saving energy and water and using green building materials. The meeting is a potential opportunity for you to express how you want these areas incorporated at BHS in the Facilities Plan. To see the Sustainability Plan click here.

The BHS PTA includes students, hence it's a PTSA.  The PTSA works to promote a whole school community by providing activities and advocacy. You can support the PTSA by joining online:  http://bhs.berkeleypta.org/
bhs-ptsa at berkeleypta.org
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