[BHS Etree] BHSDG: October Newsletter

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Oct 10 08:16:57 PDT 2018

PLEASE do not reply to this email Christine Staples: christineannestaples at gmail.com

Berkeley High School Development Group (BHSDG) is an all-volunteer, nonprofit foundation run by a group of parents and students, whose sole mission is to strengthen the educational experience of every Berkeley High School Student. We are equity driven. We fund grants which benefit our school community, and raise the funds to support this work. To learn more about us, please scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Cheeseboard Collective Party - Sunday, October 21st, 4-6 p.m.: This is one of those events which folks really look forward to each year: the Cheeseboard Collective generously donates the use of their lovely space, their labor (on their day off!) and their love, as well as their delicious food to an intimate fundraising event just for Berkeley High. The party features music from one of the BHS jazz ensembles, wine, and of course - cheese and cheese-centric treats! The event takes place in the Pizza Collective space, and spills out onto the sidewalk parklet outside - so lovely at this time of year! Due to space and the limits of a small collective, tickets are VERY limited; we can only sell 120 of them. Adults only, please - there’s wine - included in the $50 ticket price.Tickets available at https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3627006

Good Eggs Fundraiser: During the months of October and November, Good Eggs online grocery store will donate 5% of your order back to BHSDG. If you are a new customer they will also take $15 off your first order. (If 20 new customers sign up, they’ll donate an additional $500 to us.) Delivery free on orders $60 or more. Order here: http://schools.goodeggs.com/ and use BHSDG as your school code.

Mrs. Dalloway’s Bookstore: From November 9th-11th, Mrs. Dalloway’s (2904 College Ave, Berkeley) lovely local bookstore will donate 20% of all sales back to the BHSDG. This includes online and in the store, as well as gift certificates. Purchases MUST be during that weekend, and the receipts must be turned in at the BHS front desk by 11/26/18.


African American Music Celebration - $1,000

2 performers will perform for 2 assemblies (1,000 students) in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the BHS African American Studies Department.

Printing Costs for one Issue of the Jacket - $1,035

Student Newspaper printing assistance in advance of student fundraising. To support the Jacket directly, subscribe online at http://www.berkeleyhighjacket.com/

Civil Rights Movement Veterans Presentation - $1,200

Two guest speakers will present to 6 different Chicano and African American Studies classes.

Aurora Theater Field Trip: Detroit ‘67 - $1,300

Tickets for 60 African American Studies students to attend a live performance, with two additional instructional visits to their classes by the cast.

Chicano/Latino Cultural Field Trip: $2,000

60-80 students will tour the famous mission, murals and cultural areas of San Francisco’s Mission District. Grant includes BART tickets and tour guides.

Percussion Sectional Leader for the Jazz Program - $2,500

Grant in partnership with BSEPand Jazz Program fundraising to provide professional percussion teacher to give specialized instrument instruction.

Automated Autoclave for Biology and Biotech Departments: $8,434

This grant was made possible by partnering 50/50 with BUSD’s Career Technical Education Program. Performing biology experiments requires sterile instruments and equipment - otherwise students’ experimental work won’t be successful. The current method is an antiquated pressure cooker, which takes 3 hours and constant supervision. The new machine will free up teachers’ valuable time for teaching students and will double capacity.

Who and What is Berkeley High School Development Group? The BHSDG is a group of parent and student volunteers; our mission is to strengthen the educational experience of every Berkeley High School student. We strive for equity. We meet on the first Monday of each month (rescheduled as needed to accomodate holidays and school breaks) from September through June, consider grant proposals and work on ways to raise the funds to support them. We are a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organisation; all donations to the BHSDG are tax deductible. Our next board meeting will be: Monday, November 4th from 7:00-9:00 in the College Career Center. Visitors and new members are welcome!

In a typical year, BHSDG receives around $500,000 in donations; $250K in gifts to the general fund, and $250K in “restricted” funds (gifts specifically designated for a learning community or program - like Science, Universal 9th Grade, Band and Orchestra, e.g.) Most donations come from BHS community members - like you!

The Development Group accepts grant proposals from all Berkeley High School (BHS), Berkeley Technology Academy (BTA), and Independent Studies (IS) teachers, students, and staff on a monthly basis. (Deadline: 15th of each month for consideration at the next Board meeting.) Students and Staff - if you have a great idea, submit a grant proposal!

To learn more about BHSDG, or to make a donation, please visit our webpage at http://bhsdg.org/wp/

This year’s BHSDG Board: Rosa Luevano and Jessica Hilton, Co-Presidents. Jennifer Morgan, V.P. Colleen Burns and Nishat Sheikh, Student Reps. Lynne Yee, Treasurer. Christopher Cherney, Secretary. Catherine Betts; Robin Claire Barnes; Erin Branagan; Angel Ciangi; Laurel Coates; Lisa Craypo; Deb Durant; Edward Dua; Michelle Ferrari; Stephen Paik; Sarah Rose; Anne Schonfield; Christine Staples; Julie Weitz; and Orlando Williams


Marguerite Fa-Kaji, Jenny Fosket, and Dylan Kaufman are the parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net<mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>.

BHS etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/

BHS website: http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/

BUSD 2018-2019 Calendar: http://bit.ly/BUSDCalendar

BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement / la Política de No Discriminación: http://bit.ly/BUSDNDPolicy

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