[BHS Etree] DANCE: African Diaspora Dance Concert, Dec. 14 (Thu)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Dec 11 19:05:29 PST 2017

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Naomi Washington Diouf, naomiwashingtondio at berkeley.net

Berkeley High School African American Studies Dance Program Presents:

REDEMPTION – Regaining Control – African Diaspora Dance Concert

This Thursday, December 14, 7:00 in the Berkeley Community Theater.

This show features all of Naomi Washington Diouf’s African/Diaspora Dance classes,

along with Ms. Linda Carr’s Beginning Modern and Arts & Humanity Academy dancers

and the BHS Jazz Band performing as guest artists.

Our students have many great dances to perform, including African, Salsa choreographed by Evangelina Sanchez and Erykah Rodriguez, and accompanied by the Jazz Band, Haitian choreographed by guest artist, Tanzia (Shorty) Mucker, and Hip-Hop fusion choreographed by former dance student Remone Irving. The pieces are fun and challenging, upbeat and involve multiple genres of music and sound. The dancers worked very hard to master the choreography.

Come and join us to have holiday fun!

Tickets may be purchased online (www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3183299) or at the door. Group prices available through Ms. Washington the week of the show.

Ticket prices: Reserved:  $12; General:  $8; Senior/Child: $5


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