[BHS Etree] COLLEGE/CAREER: SENIORS: College Visits on Fri. 10/13/17: Change in Bell Schedule

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Oct 11 14:13:08 PDT 2017

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mary Jacobs at maryjacobs at berkeley.net

Hey Seniors,

The bell schedule has been changed on Friday, October 13, 2017 for the Unity Assembly at the end of the day.  I was able to get  2/3 of the visiting college admissions counselors to change their schedule. The one exception is University of Redlands- same time as 1:28, different period from 5th to 6th.

Here is the College Visit Schedule for Friday, Oct. 13:

Period 3: 10:09-10:54: University of Michigan

Period 4: 11:46-12:31: Washington University, St. Louis

Period 6: 1:28-2:30: University of Redlands


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