[BHS Etree] COLLEGE/CAREER: All Grades: Medical Careers Panel, April 26 (Wed.)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Apr 21 10:51:53 PDT 2017

PLEASE do not reply, contact Brianna Brooks at 
briannabrooks at berkeley.net <mailto:briannabrooks at berkeley.net>

/Thinking about a career path in the medical profession? Come to the 
Medical Careers Panel and hear from two registered nurses and one 
current pre-med student on their pathways to success!/


*/WHEN/*/: Wednesday, April 26/

*/PERIODS:/*/ 2nd *_or_* 3nd/

*/WHERE/*/: College & Career Center/


*/You MUST have your 2nd or 3rd period teacher sign a permission slip to 
attend. /*

*/See Ms. Jacobs for a permission slip!!/*

/Hope to see you there!/


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BUSD Non-Discrimination Statement /la Política de No 

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