[BHS Etree] FRESHMAN FAMILIES: SPARK Assembly Information, Nov. 17 (Thur)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Nov 15 09:38:13 PST 2016

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Tamara Friedman 
tamarafriedman at berkeley.net <mailto:tamarafriedman at berkeley.net>

November 15, 2016

Dear Families of Ninth Graders at Berkeley High:

It is with sincere enthusiasm that we present our plans for the all 
ninth grade SPARK (Student Power Actualized through Respect and Kinship) 
assembly being held on Thursday, November 17. Working to build a 
positive school culture is one of the goals of our year and so staff, 
parents, and students have been planning for weeks to bring our students 
this informative and empowering presentation. On that day, all freshmen 
will attend the assembly during their freshmen history class. 9th grade 
students will attend this one period assembly on Thursday, November 17th 
with their history classes. History teachers will use class time the 
following day to debrief the assembly.

Last year we had a great deal of success with this assembly. This year 
we will present a shortened version of the assembly focusing  on 
identifying and standing up to bullying, sexual harassment and sexual 
assault.The following is an overview to the assembly:

I. Introduction: Why are you here? Where is your power? How can we make 
Berkeley High a better place?

II. Homophobia

III. Sexual Harassment, Assault and Battery: Definitions, examples and 

IV. UPstanders: Students who have made a difference and ways to empower 
the community

V.  Sexual Harassment: Affirmative Consent Law in California Help and 
Support at Berkeley High

VI. Where is our power? Where do we go from here?

At the beginning of the assembly we will speak clearly about trauma and 
the possibility that some of what we talk about might trigger a response 
in students who are survivors of any of the violations we discuss. 
Student safety is our number one priority and so we ask that if you are 
worried or believe this assembly might trigger a traumatic response from 
your student, we ask that you reach out to Vice Principal, Tamara Friedman.


Marguerite Fa-Kaji, Catherine Ference and Dylan Kaufman are the 
parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions 
about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>.

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