[BHS Etree] ACADEMIC CHOICE: AC Fall Info. Night, Oct. 18 (Tues.)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Oct 17 16:19:12 PDT 2016

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Donna Storey, 
donnageorgestorey at gmail.com <mailto:donnageorgestorey at gmail.com>

AC Parents,

Please join us for Fall Information Night on*Tuesday, October 18, from 7 
pm to 8:30 pm in the Berkeley High Library, Building D.*


This is your opportunity to hear from our Vice Principal, AC teachers, 
guidance counselors, and student leadership. Topics covered will include 
AC courses, AP requirements for juniors and seniors, and academic 
support programs, as well as opportunities for parent involvement in our 
learning community and an update on the Berkeley High redesign.

All members of the AC community are welcome, and parents of AC freshmen 
are especially encouraged to attend!

*/Be Informed about Academic Choice! Join the AC e-tree! To 
join,/*/ please do the following: Visit http://eepurl.com/bohY35 and 
follow the prompts to enter your name and email address. Click on 
“Subscribe to list” when you’ve entered your information. You will get a 
confirmation email asking you to confirm that you want to subscribe, and 
then you will be all set!/


Marguerite Fa-Kaji, Catherine Ference and Dylan Kaufman are the 
parent-volunteer facilitators of the Etree; please direct any questions 
about the Etree to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>.

BHS etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/

BHS website: http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/

To post a message, send to: bhs at lmi.net <mailto:bhs at lmi.net>.

To _unsubscribe_from the etree, send an email to bhs-request at lmi.net 
<mailto:bhs-request at lmi.net>with one word only in the subject line: 
*unsubscribe *(The request must be sent from the email address that is 
subscribed to the list.)
To _subscribe_ to the etree, send an email to bhs-request at lmi.net 
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