[BHS Etree] JAZZ: 4th Annual JazzGirls Day, Mar. 7 (Sat)

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Feb 23 20:16:22 PST 2015

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Tienne Lee tiennesteve at gmail.com
or 415-215-3276


Saturday, March 7th, 1-5 pm at Berkeley High School Community Theater


Every year in March (usually on International Women's Day) Berkeley High
School Jazz produces JazzGirls Day. Come join us on Saturday, March 7th,
2015 for the 4th Annual JazzGirls Day at the Berkeley High School Community
Theater. This event is for girls only. Elementary and middle school
musicians, ages 10 - 14, who play or sing jazz or are thinking about trying
it out, are invited to join professional female jazz musicians and educators
for the afternoon. Activities will include master classes, jam sessions and
a concert.


The Berkeley event is FREE and open to ALL girls ages 10-14 who sing or play
an instrument. (JazzGirls do not need to be enrolled in Berkeley schools.)
Visit bhsjazz.org for more information.


**Register at the event only! No advance registration or RSVP required this



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