[BHS Etree] BUSD Board Video Updates Oct 8, 2014

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Oct 14 18:10:34 PDT 2014

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mark Coplan 
markcoplan at berkeley.net <mailto:markcoplan at berkeley.net>



BUSD Board Updates provides highlights of Board Meetings and 
other Board activities.

Note: Board Packets & associated documents are available at our website 
and on line at all Berkeley public libraries.

Public Information Office (510) 644-6320 <tel:%28510%29%20644-6320>

BUSD Web Site: www.berkeley.net <http://www.berkeley.net/>

*BUSD Board Meeting *

*October 8, 2014:*

*Closed Session and Approval of Agenda*

The Board approved the agenda.

*All Consent Items were approved.*

See Closed Session: https://vimeo.com/108925287

See Approval of Agenda: http://vimeo.com/108847104

See Approval of Consent Calendar: http://vimeo.com/108847107


*Meeting Overview*

See Overview: http://vimeo.com/108847105


*Public Comments*

See Public Comments: http://vimeo.com/108847680

*Union Comments*

See BFT Comments: http://vimeo.com/108847106

*Committee Comments*

See PTA Council Comments: http://vimeo.com/108847687

*Board Comments*

See Board Comments: http://vimeo.com/108847682

*Information Items*

_1. Facilities Plan Update_


_2. Maintenance and H/BB Third Quarter FY 2014 Report_


Note: The Board does not receive a presentation on Information Items 
unless requested by a board member.


*Discussion Items*

_1. Update on EL Master Plan_

*** *See Discussion Item 1: http://vimeo.com/108847683


_2. Update on Enrollment and Capacity _

** See Discussion Item 2: http://vimeo.com/108847685



** Information about starred items can be found in the October 8, 2014 
Board packet online in the Board Meeting section of the BUSD website: 

All Board meetings are broadcast live on

Berkeley Community Media Cable Channel 33

and re-broadcast the following Thursday morning at

9:00 AM and the following Sunday at 2:00 PM.


*Schedule of *

*Upcoming Board of Education Meetings*

Note: Listed below is upcoming board meeting dates, with associated 
major action or conference items as currently scheduled.

October 22 -- November 5 -- November 19 -- December 10

Mark Coplan, Public Information Officer

Berkeley Unified School District

510-644-6320 Cell: 510-472-3811

Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Catherine Ference are the parent-volunteer 
facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at 
bhs-owner at lmi.net <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net>.  To post a message, send 
to: bhs at lmi.net <mailto:bhs at lmi.net>; BHS etree archives: 
<http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>; BHS 
website:http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/ <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>

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