[BHS Etree] BUSD: Author Jimmy Santiago Baca Visits BHS

BHS Etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Sep 15 00:03:05 PDT 2014

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mark Coplan
markcoplan at berkeley.net

*Author Jimmy Santiago Baca Visits BHS*

Jimmie Santiago Baca spent most of his young life incarcerated, involved
with gangs and on drugs. After teaching himself to read in prison, Jimmy
discovered a new way to fight, and went on to write four books and teach at
Yale and U.C. Berkeley. On September 11th he came to Berkeley High School
to share his empowering message with students. Following his presentation,
he met with the Chicano/Latino Studies class, encouraging the students to
excel and to become leaders. He also donated an on-line series of classes
to the program, and offered access to workshops and internships to students
enrolled in Chicano/Latino Studies. This was in addition to waiving his
usual honorarium for the visit.

Check out Video of Jimmy Santiago Baca at Berkeley High:

Check out Photos of Jimmy Santiago Baca at Berkeley High:

Mark Coplan, Public Information Officer

Berkeley Unified School District

510-644-6320 Cell: 510-472-3811


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