[BHS Etree] BUSD: Board Video Updates, May 21

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Sun May 25 19:32:36 PDT 2014

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mark Coplan
markcoplan at berkeley.net 





BUSD Board Updates provides highlights of Board Meetings and other Board


Note: Board Packets & associated documents are available at our website and
on line at all Berkeley public libraries.


Public Information Office (510) 644-6320 <tel:%28510%29%20644-6320>    

BUSD Web Site: www. <http://www.berkeley.net/> berkeley.net


BUSD Board Meeting 

May 21, 2014:


View photos of this meeting at flickr.com:


Joint Study Session of Board of Education and Personnel Commission


Board and Commission Public Comments

See Board and Commission Public Comments: https://vimeo.com/96255626


Discussion Item

1. Classification and Compensation Study Pertaining to Classified Service

** See Classification Study Discussion: https://vimeo.com/96321883


Information about the Board and Commission item can be found in the May 21,
2014 Board packet online in the Board Meeting section of the BUSD website:



Regular Meeting


Meeting Overview

See Mission Statement and Meeting Overview: https://vimeo.com/96255624


Closed Session and Approval of Agenda

The Board approved the agenda, with no changes to the order of the agenda


All Consent Items were approved.


See Closed Session and Approval of Agenda: https://vimeo.com/96255623


See Consent Calendar Approval: https://vimeo.com/96277935


Board Recognition

Board recognition of BUSD Cesar Chavez Essay Contest Winners.

See Cesar Chavez Essay Recognition: https://vimeo.com/96255625


Public Comments

See Public Comments: https://vimeo.com/96316616

See Extended Public Comments: https://vimeo.com/96316618


Union Comments

See Union Comments: https://vimeo.com/96255627


Committee Comments

See Committee Comments: https://vimeo.com/96346890


Board & Superintendent Comments

See Board and Superintendent Comments: https://vimeo.com/96277934


Action Items

1. Approval of Tentative Agreement with the Union of Berkeley Administrators
(UBA) for Successor Agreement for 2013-16

** See Action Item 1: https://vimeo.com/96277936


2. Approval of Public Disclosure of Collective Bargaining Agreement

** See Action Item 2: https://vimeo.com/96277939


3. Recommendation for Expenditures in 2014-15 of BSEP Funds Allocated to
Parent Outreach

** See Action Item 3: https://vimeo.com/96277941


Discussion Items

1. Recent Incidents in Downtown Berkeley Involving Berkeley High School

** See Discussion Item 1: https://vimeo.com/96316615


2. Approval of Proposed Policy on the Use of Surveillance Cameras

** See Discussion Item 2: https://vimeo.com/96316617


** Information about starred items can be found in the May 21, 2014 Board
packet online in the Board Meeting section of the BUSD website:


All Board meetings are broadcast live on Berkeley Community Media Cable
Channel 33 and re-broadcast the following Thursday morning at 9:00 AM and
the following Sunday at 2:00 PM.


Schedule of Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

Note: Listed below are upcoming board meeting dates, with associated major
action or conference items as currently scheduled. 

June 04 Curriculum & Course Access 

June 11 LCAP/Budget: Public Hearing

June 25 LCAP Budget



Mark Coplan, Public Information Officer

Berkeley Unified School District

510-644-6320 Cell: 510-472-3811



Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Catherine Ference are the parent-volunteer
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