[BHS Etree] SPORTS: Info on Boys Volleyball

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Feb 4 17:57:55 PST 2014

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact BHS Athletic Director
athleticdirector at berkeley.net 




My name is Coach Jorge Peñate and I am the head varsity coach of the
Berkeley High Girls’ Volleyball program. This e-mail is to inform everyone
that my varsity assistant (Tony Wu) and I have accepted the positions as
co-head coaches for the Boys’ Volleyball program. We are are looking forward
to re-building this program and continue to brand the name of Berkeley High


Using our experience as players at Cal and coaches for local middle schools,
high schools and club teams, we were able to build a great foundation for
the Girls Volleyball program in our inaugural season this past fall and our
student-athletes are on the verge of establishing themselves as an elite
contender here in the Bay Area. And we are hoping to do the same for the
Boys’ Volleyball program.


That being said, tryouts for spring sports begin next Monday and we are
hosting a Pre-Tryout Informational Meeting this Friday. It is your chance as
a student-athlete to meet the coaches and learn more about what we are
expecting in our program.


What? Boys’ Volleyball Pre-Tryout Meeting

When? Friday, February 7th - 4:00-5:00pm

Where? BHS Library




Jorge Peñate

Head Varsity Coach - Girls’ Volleyball

Co-Head Coach - Boys' Volleyball

Berkeley High School


penate.jorge at gmail.com 



>From the Athletic Director's office:


This is the final week for Athletic Packet Clearing in preparation for
Spring Sports tryouts (starting February 10).  All students wishing to
tryout must bring a completed Athletic Packet to the Athletic Director’s
office at lunch or after school 3:30-5:30 2/3-2/7.  Packets available
outside the Athletic Director’s office or the Front Desk.  Athletes will NOT
be allowed to tryout without a cleared packet in the AD office.



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BHS website:  <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>


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