[BHS Etree] EVENTS: A Game. A Cause. A Reunion.

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Feb 3 23:09:08 PST 2014

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact cjchangsportsmd at gmail.com


Something very special that will involve the entire BHS community and the
City of Berkeley will be happening on Friday February 7th at halftime of the
BHS boys basketball game vs. San Leandro.  (Game time 7 pm)


-- 7 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are going to be installed on
the BHS campus for use, with CPR, in the event of sudden cardiac arrest

-- 7 graduates of the BHS Class of 1974 will be announcing the creation of
the Greg Brown Memorial Fund for Student Health and Safety. Forty years ago
Greg collapsed during a BHS basketball game, and could not be resuscitated.
The Fund will help maintain the AED program and fund other BHS programs to
support student health and safety initiatives.


Come to honor Greg's memory, and be an important part of the BHS Community
on February 7th!


*Donations can be made to:


(please write "Greg Brown Memorial Fund" in the memo line)

PO Box 11525, Berkeley, CA  94712


All donations are tax deductible (Tax ID #94-3006966)





Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Catherine Ference are the parent-volunteer
facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at
<mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net.  To post a message, send to:
<mailto:bhs at lmi.net> bhs at lmi.net; BHS etree archives:
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BHS website:  <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>


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