[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Fall PE Waiver information

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu Sep 19 17:54:14 PDT 2013

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact BHS PE Waivers
pewaivers at berkeley.net 


Fall 2013 . PE WAIVERS


Waiver Process

1.    Fill out Parts 1 & 2 of the waiver.

2.    Have your coach fill out part 3 do not have them fill out part 4 yet.
Have your coach write the letter. 

a.    Letter Requirements:

MUST be on letterhead

Your name and the date

Your coach's contact information

Assurance that you are meeting state physical standards and competencies
through the activity

The specific number of hours you will be doing the activity - minimum of 60

the coach/director who writes and signs the letter MUST also sign the waiver
in the beginning of the semester & at the end. Remember all coach signatures
must be by the same coach.

3.    Bring your letter and waiver to the Attendance Office no later than
Friday October 4, 2013.  Sign in and we will give you back your yellow copy.
Do not lose it, you will not be provided another copy.

4.    Once you have completed your hours, have the same coach sign the
yellow copy of the waiver (part 4). Bring the waiver to Ms. Kelly in
Attendance. It is due Friday January 17, 2014

5.      Remember, your activity must:

.       Be a structured athletic program, or a competitive (state-sponsored)
team sport.

.       Include at least five hours of structured activities per week -- at
least 60 hours for the semester.


Here are a few examples...

Activities that ARE accepted for PE waiver:

Activities NOT accepted for PE waiver:

A league soccer team

Your PE class at BHS

A professional dance company

A dance group you started with friends

A martial arts class

A personal trainer

Berkeley YMCA Teen Program *

Working out in your neighborhood gym *


* At present, the Berkeley YMCA is the only gym with a BHS PE waiver.  If
you belong to a gym that wants to be considered for a PE waiver, ask the
gym's administrator to contact  <mailto:danielroose at berkeley.net>
danielroose at berkeley.net  to request an application to be considered as a PE
waiver gym.


6.   Questions?  Stop by the attendance office or email:
pewaivers at berkeley.net



Attendance Team



Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Catherine Ference are the parent-volunteer
facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at
<mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net.  To post a message, send to:
<mailto:bhs at lmi.net> bhs at lmi.net; BHS etree archives:
<http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/> http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/;
BHS website:  <http://bhs.berkeleyschools.net/>


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