[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Summer 2013 PE Waiver Info - June due dates

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Jun 5 11:11:32 PDT 2013

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Betty James,
ElizabethJames at berkeley.net
Summer PE waivers are available for pick up in the Attendance Office *now*.
*They are due back, with the letter, by 6/21/13*.  Some guidelines to
remember are below.

*YMCA:*  IF the student will be completing their requirements at the YMCA,*
**they do not need to pick up a waiver from the Attendance Office*. Instead
they *must attend one of the YMCA Orientations*: *6/10 or 6/12 from 3:30 PM
to 4:15 PM*. If you have questions regarding the YMCA please contact Minx
Manuel at 510-984-4099 or mmanuel at ymca-cba.org.* *

*All other activities:*

   - Letter must be on *letterhead*.
   - Signatures on the letter and parts 3 and 4 of the waiver must all be
   from the* same person* (coach/director of program).
   - Only ONE activity can be used for a waiver. Activities cannot be
   - Only ONE waiver per semester.
   - *60 hours* minimum!
   - Yellow copies will be given back to students immediately when they
   turn in their waiver by 6/21. No copies will be given. Students must* keep
   the yellow copy and have their coach sign at the end of the summer*.
   Signed completed Yellow copies are due to the attendance office by *

Please contact ElizabethJames at berkeley.net for questions regarding PE
waivers that are non-YMCA.


*Elizabeth (Betty) James*
*Program Assistant** - BHS Attendance*
Phone 510/644.6209



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