[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEERS: African Diaspora Spring Dance Concert, May 17

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu May 2 18:39:57 PDT 2013

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact naomiwashington at berkeley.net 


Volunteers Needed for the African Diaspora Spring Dance Concert


Hello Dance Families and Dance Enthusiasts!


The African Diaspora Spring Dance Concert is coming up:  May 17 at 7pm, and
we need your help to make it happen.  Do you know your way around fabric?
Are you handy with a needle? Would you like to help at the box office or


Please sign up here: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/ijyby   


We'll contact you with more details as they come into focus.  Thank you!  


Feel free to contact Ms. Washington at 510-326-1968


Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Lisa Sibony are the parent-volunteer
facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at
<mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net. To post a message, send to:
<mailto:bhs at lmi.net> bhs at lmi.net; BHS etree archives:
<http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/> http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/

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