[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Parent Meeting & Elections Sep. 27, 2nd call for candidates

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Sep 14 22:25:35 PDT 2012

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Janet Huseby
janethuseby at berkeley.net 


On Thursday, September 27 there will be a parent meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. in
the Little Theater to elect parent representatives to two important
committees and to hear from Principal Pasquale Scuderi who will deliver a
"Start of the School" report. Please plan on attending  to vote and to hear
from our principal. 


Below there is information  on the BSEP site committee, the School Site
Committee, and the Safety Committee (non elected committee). If you are
interested in running for one of the parent slots on BSEP or SSC, kindly
send a brief statement describing  your interests and background and child's
grade and learning community to Janet Huseby at janethuseby at berkeley.net.
Statements will be posted on the Berkeley High website starting next week.
Statements received by Tuesday, September 25 will be distributed to the
audience at the parent meeting and candidates will be included on the
written ballot.  Write-ins will be accepted.  Candidates should plan on
attending the September 27 meeting if at all possible. 


Please note the meetings for all three committees are held in the late
afternoons. They start during the work day to make it possible for school
staff and students to participate, even though it makes it harder for many
parents.  Please note ,  however, after 3:30 p.m. parents may park in the
teachers' lots on Milvia. 


1. The Berkeley High School BSEP Site committee: BSEP (Berkeley Schools
Excellence Project) is a parcel tax responsible for roughly 20% of the
Berkeley Unified School District's budget.  BSEP pays a portion of the
district's teacher salaries, maintenance, music, libraries and more.  In
addition to the district expenses, each school site receives a sum to be
spent by an elected committee of parents, teachers, administrators, and-at
BHS-students. At Berkeley HIgh the site committee spends  roughly 3/4 of a
million dollars annually. Among other items, last year the committee funded
the Parent Resource Center, the Student Court, the Afro Haitian drummer, the
College Counselors, tutoring, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator, On Campus
Intervention (OCI) Coordinator and OCI counselor.


The site committee has six parent representatives and four alternates. The
committee meets once a month with the exception of March and April when they
meet twice a month.  Members evaluate currently funded programs, solicit new
programs, and finally allocate funds.


2.  School Site Council [SSC]: The School Site Council is an elected group
made up of the principal, a classified staff member, 6 teachers or
counselors, 4 students, and 4 parents, plus alternates.  The SSC is where
parents have a direct voice in reviewing the school's academic goals and
evaluating how well those goals are being met.   The SSC also has a voice in
approving the school's Safety Plan, the ELAC committee's plan for teaching
English-language learners, and the BSEP committee's plan for spending the
school's BSEP money.


The School Site Council  meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month,
beginning at 4:30.   If you decide to run, please be sure you can commit to
attending, since each member's voice matters! The top vote getter from AC
gets a seat, the top vote getter from BIHS gets a seat, and the top vote
getter from one of the small schools [AMPS, CAS, AHA, Green] gets a seat,
and the fourth seat goes to whoever got the next highest number of votes
overall.  There will also be four parent alternates elected.  


 3. The Safety Committee is a volunteer group made up of the Dean of
Students,  classified staff members, teachers and counselors, students, and
parents.  The Safety Committee is where parents have a direct voice in
reviewing the school's safety, discipline, and school culture goals and
plans, revising its goals, and evaluating how well  those goals are being
met.  It is not necessary to be elected in order to serve on the safety


The Safety Committee meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month,
beginning at 4:30.   Note that much of the committee's work is accomplished
through its subcommittees, which can meet on weekends and evenings.
Parents, students, and staff are welcome to serve on a subcommittee of
interest to them even if they do not join the full committee.


The first Safety Committee meeting will be at 4:30 pm on Monday, September
24 in room H-104 (the On-Campus Intervention room).   Members continuing
from last year will discuss the work that was accomplished over the summer
and what's coming up next.  If you think you may be interested, come to the
first meeting to introduce yourself and get a feeling for what's involved.
An orientation for new members will be announced through the etree later
this month.


Janet Huseby

Outreach and Volunteers

Berkeley High School


Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Lisa Sibony are the parent-volunteer
facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at
<mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net. To post a message, send to:
<mailto:bhs at lmi.net> bhs at lmi.net; BHS etree archives:
<http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/> http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/

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