[BHS Etree] SPORTS: Join the State Champion BHS Orienteering Team

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu Sep 6 21:04:07 PDT 2012

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Coach Wayne
Wayne_Caplinger at yahoo.com  

The BHS Orienteering Team has won the State Varsity Championships for the
last three years, and is headed to do it again!  We've gone to Nationals the
last two years, and are in the top 12 high schools in the nation!

Orienteering is a navigation sport.  You're given a detailed map of some
wilderness, with a dozen points marked on it.  You have to get to each of
the points in the shortest time.  It rewards navigation skills, route
choice, focus, and tactics.  If feels like a mission-based game come to

This is a good time to join the team.  We want students with good navigation
skills, and willingness to go off-trail.  PE Waiver available.
Non-competitive navigators also welcome.  State champion feels good, and
looks great on college applications.

Club meetings Friday lunch in C317.

Join our mailing list:




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