[BHS Etree] VOLUNTEERS: Chaperones For Spanish Classes to the Mission District May 30 (Wed.)

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri May 25 07:56:01 PDT 2012

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Rachel Penn rachelpenn at sbcglobal.net

Ms. Fullerton & Ms. Lopez-Platt SPANISH Classes -- Murals, Tacos & Penpals 

Wednesday, May 30, 8:30 - 3:30 

10-12 Chaperones Needed 

Ms. Fullerton and Ms. Lopez are taking their Native Speaker and 7/8 Spanish classes to the Mission District, San Francisco for a Mural Walk and after lunch to meet their penpals in Dolores Park. Students and chaperones can bring a lunch or bring $10 to purchase Mexican food. Students and chaperones will take BART (both will need to bring or purchase their own BART tickets, fare is $7.60 to SF and back). All interested parents are welcome! Reply to this email to volunteer, rachelpenn at sbcglobal.net  

Pat Anderson, Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Lisa Sibony are the parent-volunteer facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at bhs-owner at lmi.net. 
BHS etree archives: http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/; BHS PTSA website: http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org/. To unsubscribe from the etree, send an email to bhs-request at lmi.net with one word only in the subject line: 'unsubscribe'.   To post a message, send to: bhs at lmi.net

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