[BHS Etree] FUNDRAISING - Buy film tickets for Dec. 18 (Sun.), support BHS!

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Dec 12 08:15:18 PST 2011

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Chris Young,
chrisyoung at berkeley.net    


Dear BHS Parents and Community Members,


The ASB fundraising committee (Berkeley High Associated Student Body) is
pleased to announce that local filmmaker Emio Tomeoni has generously offered
a large portion of the proceeds to the student activities program at BHS for
the screening of "Power Trip: Theatrically Berkeley" on December 18 at the
California Theatre from 10 am - Noon. This is a show about Berkeley politics
and the different people living in Berkeley.


The show has been announced widely across Berkeley and is presented by
Terex's Avant Garde Productions.  We are excited to be the beneficiary of
this quintessentially Berkeley event!


The screening, with a punk rock wife/husband duo "The Band Street Eaters"
providing musical interpretations to start the show, will take place at 10am
on Sunday, December 18 at the California Theatre at 2113 Kittredge Street.
There will also be free popcorn and coffee. There will be free parking
downtown on Sunday.


Tickets are $15 and can be purchased from Chris Young in the Leadership
Office at Berkeley High School between 9:30am and 4:30pm on school days.
Call or text if you like to ensure Chris is available: 650.400.8331. Payment
can also be sent to "Christopher Young Director of BHS Student Activities
1980 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704" and your tickets will be at will call.


Thanks for considering this screening and us.  More info about the film and
our program is below.


Happy Holidays!


Chris Young, director of student activities

Eli Wallach, ASB treasurer/chief of fundraising





More information about the film is available at
http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/212662.  You can also purchase
tickets at the link.  However, 100% as opposed to a smaller percentage of
sales through online purchases, will go to BHS student activities IF you or
your student are able to purchase directly from the Leadership Office. 


Power Trip: Theatrically Berkeley, directed by Emio Tomeoni, is described as
"an unfiltered look at the frantic pace of the activist and reactionists,
asking only one question: does anything actually ever get done here?"  This
film asks questions once again at the forefront of our minds as the Occupy
movement unfolds. More info about the movie is available at
http://PowerTripTheFilm.com <http://powertripthefilm.com/> . 



The Berkeley High School student activities program provides small to
large-scale service and social events for the entire BHS community, supports
the over 80 clubs on campus, and develops the leaders of tomorrow through
the student leadership program.


The vision of the program is to shape the BHS community culture into one
that more actively provides personal development opportunities for all
students, optimizes our great diversity for the education of all students,
and helps students practice active citizenship and social responsibility
through their daily behavior and connectedness with all of humanity and our



Pat Anderson, Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Lisa Sibony are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to
them at  <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net. 

BHS etree archives:  <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>
http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/; BHS PTSA website:
<http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org/> http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org/. To
unsubscribe from the etree, send an email to  <mailto:bhs-request at lmi.net>
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