[BHS Etree] ADMIN - Safety Committee Mandatory Meeting - Tues. Sept. 13

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Sep 7 22:17:54 PDT 2011

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Margit Roos-Collins,
margitrooscollins at comcast.net 


Interested in joining the BHS Safety Committee?

The Safety Committee at Berkeley High is recruiting new members to join us
for next year.   If you'd like to join or consider joining the committee,
you must attend the mandatory orientation session at 4:30 pm in H104 on
Tuesday, September 13.   At the orientation you will hear in more detail
about the work that we do and be able to ask your questions.   Then, if
you decide to join the 2011-2012 Safety Committee, plan to attend our
first meeting on Tuesday, September 20, at 4:30.   We meet in late
afternoon on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 4:30 in H104 (ground
floor of the H building in the On Campus Intervention office).   

The Safety Committee's task is to review information about the school in
areas that affect student safety and well-being, such as disaster
preparedness, anti-bullying and anti-weapons efforts, classroom
discipline, landscaping and maintenance, and alcohol and drug use.   Based
on that information, the committee generates goals and strategies to
improve the school in the committee's focus areas and it also oversees
implementation of the goals and strategies generated by the prior year's
committee.   The committee's work is compiled with the rest of the
school's Safety Plan, which is submitted annually to the School Site
Council for review and approval and then goes to the School Board.    

If you've been looking for the place where you can make a difference in
how the school handles any of these aspects of student life, the Safety
Committee is it.   

At the BHS PTSA website, under the Safety Committee tab on the left
margin, you can find the minutes from the 2010-2011 school year, the
school's Safety Plan for 2011-2012, the committee's bylaws, and the names
and email addresses of the 2010-2011 members.   We encourage you to
contact us with any questions you may have about joining or the work that
we do.

Teachers, students, parents, administrators, and other certificated and
classified staff all serve critical roles on the committee and
representatives of each group are very welcome.  The more fully the
committee reflects the community it serves, the more useful the range of
experiences it can bring to bear on solving problems.  Through
subcommittee work, members have the opportunity to focus their energies on
the issues of greatest concern to them as individuals and to make the most
immediate difference.

If you choose not to join or are not free to attend most meetings but have
an interest in these subjects, remember that everyone is always welcome to
observe meetings and speak during the public comment portion of each



Pat Anderson, Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Lisa Sibony are the
parent-volunteer facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to
them at  <mailto:bhs-owner at lmi.net> bhs-owner at lmi.net. 

BHS etree archives:  <http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/>
http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/; BHS PTSA website:
<http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org/> http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org/. To
unsubscribe from the etree, send an email to  <mailto:bhs-request at lmi.net>
bhs-request at lmi.net with one word only in the subject line: 'unsubscribe'.
To post a message, send to:  <mailto:bhs at lmi.net> bhs at lmi.net


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