[BHS Etree] VOLUNTERS: Mailing Thursday March 31, Math proctors April 11 & 12

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Wed Mar 30 10:25:39 PDT 2011

contact: Janet Huseby jhuseby at pacbell.net

1. Tomorrow, Thursday March 31 from 8 a.m. until done we will be working on a 
massive mailing.  Thank you to those who have already volunteered.  If others of 
you can help, please come to the front desk and ask for me.  We do not have the 
conference room so we will be working on this mailing in various nooks and 
corners.  But, it needs to be finished by Thursday to make the mailing deadline 
before Spring Break.

2. The week after Spring break on April 11 and 12 we will be offering a makeup 
test for math placement for New-to-BUSD incoming 9th graders.  The test will  
given in the library and we need 4 to five adult proctors who can be there from 
3:30 to 5.  If you can help, please let me know.   Please note this is the 
makeup math test which is actually being offered BEFORE the regular math test on 
April 19 and 20.  If you have an incoming 9th grader, I am about to post updated 
information about the Math test. Watch the etree for more information. Janet
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