[BHS Etree] BULLETIN: Student Daily Bulletin, 10/26/10 (Tues.)

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Oct 25 20:31:35 PDT 2010



PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL. All information is collected and
prepared for the bulletin by Belinda McDaniel at the BHS front desk. No
additional information or details are available from the Etree.



October 26, 2010


*New or updated information




1. Remember no masks can be worn at BHS during Spirit Week! 


2. Yearbooks are on sale at myyear.com. $65 dollars until October 31st. Buy
them for $70 in H102B during 7th period.


3.  Dude have you seen the class t-shirts? They're so RAW!! Dude yeah! They
are so fresh! The price is so good - only $12. That's right, get your Spirit
week class t-shirt at lunch on the senior steps, at other times in the
leadership office. The designs are on the leadership windows. Also for sale
- sacks, sunglasses, pom-poms. Yeah Spirit Week!


4. Spirit Week includes three major class competitions. The class at the end
of the week with the most points wins a bowling party or barbeque at a local


The competitions are:

a. The Commitment Cup: The class with the best overall attendance rate
Monday through Thursday of Spirit week is awarded with the trophy at the

b. The Service Cup: Each class has an item that they focus on as a
collection drive to give to people in need. The items for each class are as

     Freshman    -- Toys

     Sophomores  -- Blankets/Warm coats

     Juniors     -- Books

     Seniors     -- Shoes

c. The Creative Expression Cup: Each class has their dance that is presented
at the rally. The winner is announced at the end of the dances.


*5. Do you want to make beats, produce music, or perform and record your
singing/rapping/poetry?  Would you like to learn how to be an audio
engineer?  If so, come to C400 on Monday, November 1st at 3:30 pm for an
orientation to use the Sound Studio in C400.  That's the top floor of the C
building.  This is a great opportunity to produce your own CDs.  Be there!



1. All Chicano/Latino members: Meetings have started! Please check outside
the leadership office for meeting times, dates, and all updates.


*2. Juniors and seniors: Wish you could take ice skating for PE credit or
that it was socially acceptable to dance in the library! Carleton College
alum and Berkeley High Teacher Ms. Isaacson is hosting an informal question
and answer session  this Tuesday at lunch in room C131. All are welcome.




1. BHS Boys Soccer tryouts are November 8-12, 2010, 3:45-5:30 pm at the
Derby field. Interested soccer players should pre-register online and get
tryout updates at futbolberkeley.com. Complete a BHS athletic packet and
bring it to first day of tryouts. Get an athletic packet from the Athletic
Director's office.


*2. The BHS Mountain Bike Club is calling all new and returning riders to
the season kick off meeting on Wednesday, November 3 at lunch in G304, Ms.
Kavaler's classroom.  Meet Coach Moberg and your new teammates, and find out
more about bikes, training, and races.  The club is open to all BHS
students, even if you don't have your own bike.  Come check it out!




College Visits - Seniors only. Sign up in advance in the College/Career
Center and pick up a permission slip. The complete list, updated daily, is
available at http://bhs.berkeley.net/index.php?page=finding-a-college and
BHS seniors can also find updated college lists on their Moodle site.


October 26, 2010

     8:27     Rhode Island School of Design (RI)

    10:40    Williamette University (OR)

    12:24    Miami University (OH)

     1:28     University of Richmond(VA)

     2:32     Scripps College(CA)


October 27, 2010

     8:27     Bates College(ME)

     9:31     Grinnell College(IA)

     1:28     U of Delaware(DE)

     2:32     Cal Arts College(CA)


October 28, 2010

     8:27     Emerson College(MA)

     9:31     Cornell University(NY)

    10:40    Claremont McKenna College (CA)

    12:30    Marlboro College (VT)

     1:28     U of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)

     3:00     Rice University


October 29, 2010

     8:27     Skidmore College (NY)

     9:31     U of Redlands(CA)

     2:30     Pitzer College(CA)




Youthworks Employment Program in the Department of Housing and Community
Services will accept applications beginning October 1st through November 5th
for the winter/after school program. Qualified youth ages 14-25. The pay is
$8 an hour. To apply you need to go in person to the Youthworks Office. For
more information call 981-4970 or email youthworks at cityofberkeley.info




Gee Wiz it's what? That's right! Shift Theater presents "Your Every Wish," a
fall play. It's a story about parents not understanding their kids and the
parents trade them in for new kids. Come to the Little Theater and check it
out. October 29 or 30 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $6 for students and senior
citizens, $12 for everyone else.





Diane Douglas, Marguerite Fa-Kaji and Pat Anderson are the parent volunteer
facilitators of the etree; please direct any questions to them at
bhs-owner at lmi.net.


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http://lists.lmi.net/pipermail/bhs/; BHS PTSA website:


To unsubscribe from the etree, send an email to bhs-request at lmi.net with one
word only in the subject line: 'unsubscribe'.

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