[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Registration Help August 23-27 and Information re Online Problems

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Mon Aug 9 20:53:35 PDT 2010

[mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net]

1.Volunteer: I am back with the next big push for BHS volunteers:
registration. During registration forms are collected, schedules
distributed, lockers assigned, textbooks issued, organizers sold, and ID
pictures taken. In order to have this event run smoothly we need a minimum
of 20 volunteers who are willing to take a morning shift (8:15 to noon) and
20 for the afternoon (12:45 to 3:45 p.m.) on each day. That is 40 people
minimum per day. I am hoping to have parking passes for on campus parking. 
If you  can help, please let me know which day and shift (morning or
afternoon) you are available, by emailing [mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net]

2.  Registration Days: 
Monday, August 23, Freshmen 
Tuesday, August, 24, Sophomores
Wednesday, August 25, Juniors
Thursday, August 26, Seniors
Friday, August 27, Makeup Day

3. Parents are not required to attend registration/orientation with their
student. In fact, most students are quite comfortable working their way
through the lines on their own. However, if you do attend, we will have
chairs set up in the gym for parents. If you are there as a volunteer, your
student will be able to ask you questions or seek help if needed.  

4. Many people have already received their summer packet and found
instructions for filling out emergency card information online. 
Unfortunately, this system has glitches and many people have written saying
they are unable to sign up.  It should be fixed soon.  Please try again in a
few days.  Also, many of you have written letting me know that you have been
having problems accessing power school.  Again, the district has been
experiencing glitches.  Please be patient.  All will eventually be working.

Janet Huseby
BHS Volunteer Coordinator
[mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net]

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