[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Incoming Students Course and SLC Selections distributed

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Fri Mar 19 14:56:19 PDT 2010

Please DO NOT REPLY to the E-tree. Contact: Kristin Glenchur [mailto:kglenchur at berkeley.k12.ca.us]

King and Longfellow Middle school Small Learning Community and Course Selections 2010/2011 were handed out in classes as well as mailed home this week. Parents/Guardians have one week to return it either to the teacher with whom they scheduled or to the front office of their middle school. YOU ONLY NEED TO RETURN THE FORM IF THERE ARE CORRECTIONS or
CHANGES. Forms are due by 4:00 Friday, March 26th. 
New to BUSD student SLC and Course Selections were mailed home Friday in the self-addressed envelope you created on the night you scheduled. Parents/Guardians have one week to return it to the box provided in the front office at Berkeley High. YOU ONLY NEED TO RETURN THE FORM IF THERE ARE CORRECTIONS or CHANGES. FORMS ARE DUE BY 4:00 FRIDAY, MARCH 26TH.

Willard students will complete their scheduling this week and will get their forms next week. They will be allowed to review and correct requests and return them after Spring Break.
Kristin Glenchur
Vice-Principal, Berkeley High
kglenchur at berkeley.k12.ca.us
(510) 644-4566 office
(510) 644-8523 fax

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