[BHS Etree] ADMIN: Free H1N1 Vaccinations at BHS

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Thu Feb 25 20:32:15 PST 2010

Do not reply to this e-mail, please contact Nuala Ruddell
[mailto:NRuddell at ci.berkeley.ca.us] 

It's not too late to vaccinate! Free H1N1 vaccinations will be offered to
students in the BHS Health Center every Wednesday from 3 to 4pm. Students
should bring a completed flu vaccine consent form if they are under 18 yrs
of age. They may pick up a form in the Health Center or you can download the
form by clicking on the link below.


Contact if you have any questions:
Nuala Ruddell RN
nruddell at ci.berkeley.ca.us
510 644-6859

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