[BHS Etree] ADMIN: 8th grade families, a round-up

BHS etree bhs at lists.lmi.net
Tue Feb 23 11:27:03 PST 2010

Contact: Janet Huseby [mailto:jhuseby at pacbell.net[

1. Tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 24 is the 8th grade Information Night.  All
incoming 8th graders should plan on attending with their parent or guardian.
The event starts at 7 p.m. sharp in the Berkeley Community Theater (on the
BHS campus) and parking is very difficult.  Please give yourself time to
find a spot or come by public transportation. 

2. Incoming 9th to 12th grade students who are new to BUSD should have
enrolled with the district at the Student Service Office in early February
to be sure to be included in the first lottery.   Two make-up dates have
been scheduled for March 1 from 12:00-3:00 p.m. and March 2 from 9:00-12:00
p.m. at 1835 Allston Way.  Families that enroll during the makeup days will
also be included in the first lottery. Prior to arrival, families should
pre-enroll on-line at http://www.berkeley.net/index.php?page=high-school .  

In addition to proof of residency, birth certificate, and last report card,
parents should bring doctor and dentist contact information  for the
emergency cards as well as contact information in case of emergency. 

3. Math test.  All incoming 9th graders will take a math test for placement
purposes.  This test will determine placement into Honors as well as support
classes. King, Longfellow and Willard students will take during class time.
All incoming students not currently enrolled in a BUSD middle school will
take the test on either March 22, 23 OR March 26.  No preregistration is
required.  Students should bring a pencil and report to either C219, C221 or
jC224 by 4 p.m. 

We will be using the 3rd Quarter Assessment given in the BUSD middle school
Algebra 1 classes.  This is a multiple choice test covering the CA Algebra 1
content standards.

Incoming 10th, 11th, and 12 graders will only take a Math exam if they are
interested in being placed in honors courses.  The exam will be given in
April.  We will announce the specific date on the etree. 

4. King, Longfellow and Willard kids will sign up for classes during school
time at their respective schools. Incoming students from non BUSD middle
schools will report to the BHS library on March 1 or March 8 or March 15 to
sign up for classes and submit learning community preferences. 

Janet Huseby
BHS Volunteer Coordinator
jhuseby at pacbell.net
(510) 527-1130

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