[BHS etree] BUSD: BHS Winter Concert Videos on YouTube

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Dec 28 07:51:26 PST 2009

PLEASE do not reply to this email, contact Mark Coplan
[mailto:Mark_Coplan at berkeley.k12.ca.us] 

Here are a few videos to enjoy during Winter Break. First is BUSD Public
Information for December (from Dec 16th Board Meeting broadcast), an update
on H1N1 from Dr. Janet Berreman and Berkeley High's Annual Holiday Dinner
for the Homeless and Berkeley High Jazz Lab Band Two Winter Concert 2009. 

Still to come is Berkeley High Jazz Lab Band One; Berkeley High Chorus
Winter Concert 2009; Berkeley High Afro Haitian Dance and Highlights from
Berkeley High's "Comic Potential."

BUSD Public Information Half Hour shares news and information about the
Berkeley Schools on Berkeley Channel 33 before the Berkeley Unified School
District Board of Education's regular meetings. The show is divided into
segments for your enjoyment on YouTube & Facebook. 

December 2009 Part One is an interview with Berkeley's Public Health
Officer Dr. Janet Berreman, with a report on the H1N1 Vaccines in the
Berkeley Schools. This ends with a fun hand-washing lesson with one of
Malcolm X's kindergarten classes.

BUSD Public Information Dec 2009 Part One:

BUSD Public Information Part Two shares news and information about the
Berkeley Schools. This is part two of the December edition.
Berkeley High Schools Student Leaders continued their long tradition of
providing a Holiday Dinner for the Homeless on December 12th, 2009 when
over 200 student volunteers cooked the meal and served the hundreds of
guests who began lining up early. The students raised over $800 in cash,
collected over 3,000 cans of food, dozens of turkeys and hams, and cooked
in shifts, beginning early Friday morning. This video is a brief look at
the day. The student musicians were joined by BHS teacher (and bass
player) Scott Wilson. (Watch for another YouTube video of just their

BUSD Public Information Dec 2009 Part Two:

Berkeley High School Jazz Lab Bands Winter Concert on December 11, 2009
featured Lab Band Two. This series of YouTube videos shares Lab Band Two 
and Combo 'A', otherwise known as the Hip Cats.
Berkeley High's jazz program is under the direction of Scott Dailey.

BHS Jazz Lab Band Two Winter Concert 2009 "Blue Blossom":

BHS Jazz Lab Band Two Winter Concert 2009 "Nardis":

BHS Jazz Lab Band Two Winter Concert 2009 "Ladybird":

BHS Jazz Lab Band Two Winter Concert 2009 "Seven Steps":

BHS Jazz Lab Band Two Winter Concert 2009 "Well You Needn't":


Mark A. Coplan
Public Information Officer, BUSD
510-644-6320 Cell: 510-472-3811
Mark_Coplan at berkeley.k12.ca.us
Berkeley Unified School District
2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Berkeley, Ca 94704-1180

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