[BHS etree] FUNDRAISING: BHS Live! Seeks Wine Donations for Auction

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Nov 23 13:16:56 PST 2009

Do not reply to this e-mail, please contact Jennifer Armor  [mailto:jenniferarmor at comcast.net]

BHS Live! 2010 Seeks Wine Enthusiasts

Dear BHS Community,

We are putting together an "Instant Wine Cellar" auction item for our gala in March.  Do you have a special bottle of wine you could donate to the auction?  It could be a white, a red, a port, or a dessert wine that's a particular favorite or something from your cellar that you're willing to share.  We will gather the donated bottles and include the "cellar" as a single silent auction item at our upcoming gala.  The lucky bidder will go home with an impressive collection of wines to enjoy, all for the benefit of our high school programs.


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