[BHS etree] SPORTS: Girls' Soccer Tryouts - Start 11/9

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Wed Nov 4 16:32:53 PST 2009

Do not reply to this e-mail, please contact Varsity Coach Suzanne
Sillett [mailto:soccersuz at gmail.com]

Girls' Soccer Tryouts Start Monday Nov 9th

Mon, Tue, Wed BHS Turf 6-8 pm

Thurs and Fri Gabe West Field 5-7 pm

Saturday Scrimmage at Gilman: 9 am - frosh; 11 am - Junior Varsity; 
1 pm - Varsity.

Bring soccer balls, cleats, running shoes, shinguards, white and dark
t-shirt, water, athletic packet including medical form and emergency
card if you have not turned it into the Athletic Directors' Office.

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