[BHS etree] ADMIN: Summer Mailing date change to August 4 and 5

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Jul 16 13:46:15 PDT 2009

Contact: Janet Huseby jhuseby at pacbell.net

The summer mailing has been rescheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday on August 4 and 5. Thank you very much to the wonderful 13 people who responded with alacrity to my first call for help. I hope you can come the following week. While 13 is a wonderful number, in truth we need between 70 and 90 people to get the mailing out. 

For those of you who are new, it is a HUGE undertaking. The summer mailing includes the following information: registration and orientation information, the newsletter, health forms, Development Fund information, athletic information, Jacket subscription forms, and more. Last year 19 separate items were included in the mailing: close to 70,000 pieces.  If you come to help, you will be the first on your block to pick up the 2009-2010 school information, you will meet and work with a wonderful group of people, enjoy excellent refreshments, and give our beloved Berkeley High a big hand. 

I will be on site in the school library Tuesday and Wednesday, August 4 and 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers are welcome for all day, half day or for one hour drop-in (even half hour, every bit helps)! If you can come help, I would appreciate an email sent to <jhuseby at pacbell.net>. Please let me know which day you can come.   Final inducement:  The mailing is before the teachers return to school, so we may use the staff parking lot. Thank you one and all.

Janet Huseby  
jhuseby at pacbell.net


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