[BHS etree] ADMIN: Make-up Info for AP French And Spanish Tests

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue May 19 19:04:58 PDT 2009

Please do not contact the e-tree; contact Janet Huseby
jhuseby at pacbell.net

Because of poor acoustics during the Spanish language listening portion of the AP exam AND because of a College Board mistake in timing for a section of the French language test, portions of both exams are going to be offered again. Please note, these retests are optional.  Any student who is satisfied with the test they completed does not have to show up.

1. Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 20 the French retest will be held at noon in room C102.

2. The Spanish retest will take place on Thursday, May 21 in either the east or west gallery of the Community Theater.

Both sections should be completed during period 4. That is, they are short. Ms. Williams, who is in charge of the AP exams at BHS, has notified the AP language teachers of the retests. 

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