[BHS etree] BUSD: Superintendent's Swine Flu Letter with Spanish Translation

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue Apr 28 23:56:34 PDT 2009

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Mark Coplan
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Superintendent's Swine Flu Letter with Spanish Translation

This is Superintendent Huyett's swine flu letter with a Spanish translation.
We want to use every means of communication possible to keep families
informed during this situation, as we know that everyone does not have
internet access. Please share this with someone you know who does not have
email. We really can use your help. We will use phone messages and send
updates home in back packs as we get more information.

Mark Coplan, BUSD Public Information Officer

Superintendent's Letter:

April 28, 2009
Dear BUSD Staff, Students and Parents:
As you may have heard on the news, Federal health officials declared a
health emergency after announcing Sunday that 40 swine flu cases have been
reported so far in New York, Ohio, Kansas, Texas and California. Patients
have ranged in age from 9 to over 50. At least two were hospitalized. All
recovered or are recovering. (Note: As of Tuesday this has risen to 64
nationally with 13 cases in California.) State Superintendent of Public
Instruction Jack O'Connell today reminded school officials throughout the
state that we may download a free "Keep Our Schools Healthy" toolkit in
multiple languages to help prevent the spread of germs and viruses, such as
the recently reported outbreak of swine influenza (To download the free
posters please visit [ http://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/av/mm/yr03mm.asp#pos
]http://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/av/mm/yr03mm.asp#pos). I wanted to share his
toolkit, some good advice from the Center for Disease Control and
prevention, and I also want to assure you of the local measures we are
taking here in Berkeley.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention [ http://www.cdc.gov
]www.cdc.gov recommend the following measures to stay healthy:

The City of Berkeley (COB) is fortunate to have its own health department,
and I have been in communication throughout the weekend with Dr. Janet
Berreman, MD, MPH, Berkeley’s Health Officer. She will continue to stay in
close contact with us throughout the situation.
The COB Health Department has worked with the BUSD, U.C. Berkeley, Alta
Bates Hospital and other community partners over the past few years to
develop protocols for this type of an emergency, so you can be assured that
we are prepared in the event that the situation escalates. We do not
anticipate any problems at this time, but the safety of your children is our
highest priority, and we will move quickly to protect them if the need
Best wishes

William HuyettSuperintendent of Schools
Estimados Estudiantes, Padres de Familia y Personal Docente:

Ustedes probablemente lo escucharon en las noticias, los oficiales del
Departamento Federal de Salud han declarado una emergencia después de
anunciar el domingo que 40 casos de gripe porcina (swine flu) se reportaron
en Nueva Cork, Ohio, Kansas, Texas y California. Los pacientes fluctúan
entre las edades de 9-50. Por lo menos dos fueron hospitalizados.
Todos se recuperaron o se están recuperando. Hasta el día de hoy tenemos
64 casos en la nación, 13 en California., y 2 en Marin.
El Superintendente Estatal de Educación Pública Jack O’Connell les recordó a
los oficiales a través del estado que pueden descargar una copia de un
instructivo llamado “Keep Our Schools Healthy” (Mantenga Nuestras Escuelas
Saludables) el articulo se encuentra en varios idiomas y es una guía para
prevenir la propagación de gérmenes y virus, tales como la reciente
propagación de la gripe porcina. (Para descargar “posters” gratis por favor
diríjase a:  http://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/av/mm/yr03mm.asp#pos). Quiero
compartir esta guía con ustedes, buenos consejos por parte del Centro de
Control y Prevención de Enfermedades, e  informarle acerca de las medidas
locales que estamos tomando aquí en Berkeley.El Centro de Control y
Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) [ http://www.cdc.gov ]www.cdc.gov recomendó
las siguientes medidas para mantenerse saludable:
La Ciudad de Berkeley (COB) es muy afortunada al contra con su propio
departamento de salud, durante el fin de semana yo estuve en contacto con la
Dra. Janet Berreman, MD, MPH, Oficial de Salud de Berkeley. Ella continuará
estando en contacto con nosotros durante toda esta situación.
Durante los años anteriores el Departamento de Salud (COB) ha trabajado con
el Distrito de Berkeley, U.C. Berkeley, el Hospital Alta Bates y otras
organizaciones para desarrollar protocolos para este tipo de emergencia, de
manera que usted puede estar seguro/a que estamos preparados en caso de que
la situación empeorara. De momento no anticipamos problemas, la seguridad de
su hijos/as es nuestra más alta prioridad, y los protegeremos inmediatamente
si la situación lo amerita.
Mis mejores deseos

William HuyettSuperintendente de las Escuelas


Mark A. Coplan
Public Information Officer, BUSD
510-644-6320 Cell: 510-472-3811
Mark_Coplan at berkeley.k12.ca.us
Berkeley Unified School District
2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Berkeley, Ca 94704-1180

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