[BHS etree] PTSA: Parent Ed Event Wed. April 1, Teens and Screen Time

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Mar 16 10:33:07 PDT 2009

Please do not contact the e-tree; contact Wendy Lukas wlukas at sbcglobal.net

Dear BHS Parents and Guardians:
Thank you to all who attended our most recent event on common issues teens face. 
We are looking forward to our next event which came about as a result of numerous requests from parents who want to learn how to handle conflicts with teens regarding the amount of time spent on-line with gaming, facebook/myspace, texting, etc.
Teens and Screen Time --- How To Handle Technology Related Conflicts
Wednesday, April 1, 7:00 to 9:00pm, BHS Library.
Are technology related issues the source of anger and frustration in your family?  For many families, there are continuous struggles over video games, the internet and cell phones. 
Find out more about levels of risk related to on-line activities, appropriateness of on-line behaviors and define areas of conflict and concern. Learn practical tips to improve communication and establish appropriate limits. On-line gaming, the use of facebook and texting will be discussed. 
Our presenter will be Jason Brand, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and family therapist with a technology background.  Jason works with families and provides workshops on "bridging the screen divide" in order to help families learn how to better manage these particular types of conflicts. 
Once again, thank you to the PTSA and the BHS Development Group for sponsoring and providing funding and to all the parents and guardians who attend.  We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.   
Please RSVP so we can arrange the right amount of seating - audrey12 at comcast.net or wlukas at sbcglobal.net.  Your RSVPs last time really helped us with the room set up.
Audrey and Wendy
PTSA Volunteers
audrey12 at comcast.net
wlukas at sbcglobal.net 

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