[BHS etree] VOLUNTEERS: Urget request: Need volunteers Sat. for the Barnes and Nobel event for Berkeley Athletics

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Dec 5 18:25:50 PST 2008

Do not reply to the etree. Contact name:  Peggy: 
mailto:plscott at stanfordalumni.org

Parents and Students:
Berkeley Athletics Fundraiser needs your help Saturday at Barnes & 
Noble, Bay Street,

Please help (we've only had two volunteers so far) - we need the 
following volunteers for one hour shifts, this Saturday between Noon 
and 5 pm at the B&N at Bay Street in Emeryville, CA:
1.  3-4 gift wrappers inside per hour (2 - 6pm) and
2.  4-6 (approx.) leafletters who can stand outside the B&N doors 
handing out leaflets

This makes 7-10 volunteers per hour

Buy your holiday books to benefit the Berkeley Athletic Fund!
SATURDAY DEC. 6 and present this code number at the cash register:
***  428508  ***
A portion of the sale will be donated directly to the BAF

*Copy and send this notice to your friends and relations all over the US!
This code number works at ALL BARNES & NOBLE Stores on Dec. 6.

Students - Athletes - Parents
Come to Bay Street Barnes & Noble in Emeryville on Sat. Dec. 6.
Distribute leaflets outside and giftwrap books inside the store.
Imagine that - hanging out at the mall with your friends for a good cause.
Berkeley High School has over 1100 athletes - one third of all 
students - who will benefit.

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