[BHS etree] PARENT ED: Teens & The Law; Mon Dec 8, 7:00 to 9pm

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Nov 21 07:20:18 PST 2008

Do not reply to etree, contact Audrey Spector 
(<mailto:audrey12 at comcast.net>audrey12 at comcast.net)
or Wendy Lukas (<mailto:wlukas at sbcglobal.net>wlukas at sbcglobal.net)

Dear BHS Parents and Guardians:

Ever wondered what would happen if a party happened at your house 
while you weren't there?   To find out about this and other exciting 
topics, join us for the final parent education event of 2008!

YOUR TEEN AND THE LAW: What Every Parent Should Know

When: Monday, December 8th from 7:00 to 9:00pm 
Where: Berkeley High School - Library
Presenter: Mary P. Carey, Criminal Defense Attorney
Sponsored and Funded by: PTSA and BHS Dev Group

This will be a lively, informative view of the current laws that 
affect our teens including: drinking and driving, drugs, parties, 
consensual  sex, driving, provisional laws/enforcement, illegal 
downloads, curfews and vandalism.  Parental liability for teenage 
misconduct will also be discussed and time for questions as well. 

As always, ALL BHS parents and guardians are invited -- we encourage 
you to call other parents and invite them to come with you.  If you 
know you plan to attend, your RSVPs  help us ensure we get the room 
organized so that everyone gets a good seat. 

Kind regards,

Audrey Spector (<mailto:audrey12 at comcast.net>audrey12 at comcast.net)
and Wendy Lukas (<mailto:wlukas at sbcglobal.net>wlukas at sbcglobal.net)
PTSA Volunteers

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