[BHS etree] MISC: Volunteer for WriterCoach Connection at BHS

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Mon Sep 22 17:05:18 PDT 2008

Do not reply to etree, contact Sahib-Amar Khalsaat 510-237-6963 or 
<mailto:sakk at mindspring.com>sakk at mindspring.com .

The WriterCoach Connection program starts in a few weeks at CP 
Academy, but there is still time to become a Writer Coach volunteer. 
Register for a training session at writercoachconnection.org (click 
on "Volunteer"). If you enjoy working with students one-on-one and 
have an hour or two twice a month on Friday mornings, you can make an 
important contribution to Berkeley High students.

Please stop by our table in the Food Court during Back-to-School 
night and learn more about this highly effective program. Or contact 
Sahib-Amar Khalsa, site coordinator, at 510-237-6963 or 
<mailto:sakk at mindspring.com>sakk at mindspring.com for more information.

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