[BHS etree] ADMIN: Finals Week Schedule

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Fri Jun 6 12:32:39 PDT 2008

Final Exam Schedule Spring 2007-2008

Below please find the final exam schedule for the end of the first
semester.  Please note that the Make Up/Review Period after lunch is
not required for students. During this time, teachers should be in
their rooms and available to those students who need to make up finals
or wish to come in for additional pre-final help. 

Monday - 6/09/08
Classes as usual

Tuesday - 6/10/08
8:30-10:30  FINAL EXAM PER. 1
10:30-10:40	Passing Period
10:40-12:40	FINAL EXAM PER. 2
12:40-12:46	Passing Period
12:46-1:28	Lunch
1:28-3:15	MAKE UP PERIOD or REVIEW (Teachers need to be in their

Wednesday - 6/11/08
8:30-10:30	FINAL EXAM PER 3
10:30-10:40	Passing Period
10:40-12:40	FINAL EXAM PER. 4
12:40-12:46	Passing Period
12:46-1:28	Lunch
1:28-3:15	MAKE UP PERIOD or REVIEW (Teachers need to be in their

Thursday - 6/12/08
8:30-10:30	FINAL EXAM PER. 5
10:30-10:40	Passing Period
10:40-12:40	FINAL EXAM PER. 6
12:40-12:46	Passing Period
12:46-1:28	Lunch

Friday - 6/13/08
Friday is for makeup exams and teacher conferences.  If your child has
neither, they do not have to come to school.  

Seniors must report to the Greek Theater for mandatory Graduation
rehearsal at 9:30 a.m.


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