[BHS etree] COLLEGE|CAREER: Advisor's Bulletin for Friday, June 6, 2008

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Jun 5 23:18:08 PDT 2008

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THE E-TREE, CONTACT:  Ilene Abrams  iabrams at berkeley.k12.ca.us 
  or 644-6804

College Advisor's Bulletin
Friday, June 6, 2008

SAT WORD OF THE DAY: FRIVOLOUS - silly or ridiculous in purpose.   
After my clown gig, I changed from my frivolous attire into something  
more suitable for a formal dinner.

wanted for up to 4 weeks.  Bright, cheerful student needed to help  
supervise a 4 year old and a 6 year old in their house while mother is  
working in the next room on a project and to also run miscellaneous  
errands occasionally. Light snack preparation may be requested. Hours  
are somewhat flexible but minimum 4 hours per day from 10 to 2  
starting June 23rd or early July.  Must be at least 16 years old, have  
a valid driver's license and have your own car. Home has pets (cat,  
dog, bird and fish). North Berkeley.  References required.  $12.00 per  
hour. Please call or leave message for Tara  at 510.524.7247.

Environmental Health Science Division at UC Berkeley is looking for  
2-3 current high school juniors and seniors to volunteer as summer  
interns in their lab. Dr. Holland is the director of the School of  
Public Health Biorepository which houses, maintains, and analyzes  
thousands of samples from ongoing and previous studies. Interns will  
be primarily working on projects relating to the Biorepository.  They  
will learn how to bank samples, use Access based databases to properly  
log and retrieve samples, and become familiar with sample storage and  
management. In addition, interns will have the opportunity to learn  
basic lab science techniques and be introduced to advanced laboratory  
skills including biological sample processing, DNA isolation,  
genotyping, PCR, ELIZA, and enzymatic assays. This is a great  
opportunity for students thinking about a career in research or  
medicine. No prior lab experience is necessary.  Students must commit  
at least 4 days a week, at least 5 hours a day, for at least one month  
during the summer.  For more information about the lab, please visit: http://ehs.sph.berkeley.edu/holland/ 
  .  Interested students should email an updated resume, including  
courses taken this semester and their most current GPA (excluding this  
semester), and a short description of their scientific interests and  
future career goals, to Nishat Shaikh at nishat26 at hotmail.com .  The  
internship starts on June 16.

The new Introducing the University booklet from the University of  
California is now available in D221.  This very helpful booklet  
contains information on each UC campus including lists of majors,  
student and admissions data and contact information, as well as  
general information on applying for admissions and financial aid.  If  
you are planning to apply to any UC campuses in the fall, please stop  
by to pick up your copy.

The Junior Summer To Do List and the Senior Profile are now available  
in the College/Career Center.  Students and their parents/guardians  
must complete the Senior Profile if they are applying to any college  
which requires a counselor recommendation.  The UC’s and Cal States do  
not accept counselor recommendations.  Although the completed Senior  
Profile is not due until September, we strongly recommend that  
students fill it out over the summer because they will be extremely  
busy in the fall.

Athletes – Juniors who want to play Division I or Division II sports  
in college need to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse at www.ncaaclearinghouse.net 
.   They also need to instruct College Board or ACT to send their SAT  
or ACT scores to the NCAA Clearinghouse.  Finally, they will need to  
turn in a Transcript Request Form to our registrar, Barbara Mellion  
(D173).  Mark “FINAL JUNIOR TRANSCRIPT” across the top of the form and  
paperclip the request to a stamped business size envelope addressed to  
the NCAA Clearinghouse.  You must use Berkeley High School (1980  
Allston Way, Berkeley 94704) as the return address on the envelope or  
the Clearinghouse will not accept them.  If you have any questions  
about how to complete any of these tasks, see your College Advisor at  
lunch or after school.

If you are getting below a C in any of your classes and are planning  
to attend a four year college in the fall, you MUST contact the  
college to discuss this.  All colleges will receive a copy of your  
final transcript.  By contacting the college and discussing your  
options with them, you may be able to prevent your admission from  
being rescinded.  Please see me or Ms. Price if you would like to  
discuss your grades or what to say to the college.

*SENIOR EXIT REPORT – If you want the information of what college you  
plan to go to or your other post-graduation plans listed in the Senior  
Edition of the Jacket which will be distributed at graduation and you  
have not turned in your Senior Exit Report, you must turn it TODAY!!!  
These forms were distributed in all senior English classes.   
Additional forms are available in D221.

FINAL TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS – If you have not turned in a Transcript  
Request Form to Ms. Mellion in D173 so that we can send an official  
transcript to the school you will be attending in the fall, you must  
do so ASAP.  Write “FINAL TRANSCRIPT” in capital letters across the  
top of the form and paperclip it to a stamped business size envelope  
addressed to the college, with Berkeley High School (1980 Allston Way,  
Berkeley 94704) as the return address.  If you are under 18, a parent  
or guardian must sign the request form.  All colleges require that  
students send them a final transcript confirming their senior year  

Salvadoran-American Leadership and Educational Fund (SALEF) – Open to  
graduating seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.5 who have a background of  
Salvadoran, Central American, Latino ethnicity, have financial need,  
and have a history of community service and involvement.  recipients  
must be able to help other students through mentoring, community  
service, or tutoring after receiving the award.  The application is  
available at www.salef.org .  Scholarship:  $500-$2,500.  Deadline:   
June 30.

Information on more programs is available in D221 and at the College/ 
Career Center website: http://bhs.berkeley.net/index.php?page=home-2 .

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