[BHS etree] BULLETIN: Student Daily Bulletin for 6/2/08

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun Jun 1 17:48:29 PDT 2008

June 2, 2008

*Indicates new or updated item


1. Yearbooks will be distributed after school in H102.  Please have 
your receipts and ID's to pick them up.

*2. Attention all students signed up for AP Spanish Literature! 
Please come by C125 after school any day this week (June 2nd - June 
6th) to pick up your required summer reading material from Sr. Lobo. 

3. Graduation tickets are on sale in D173.  Tickets are $5 each.

will go on sale Friday, June 6 in front of the Donohue Gym.  The 
shirts come in green and blue so you can get one in your house color. 
The cost is $15 and money from the sale will go to support BIHS. 
Cash or checks made out to Berkeley High School Development Group 
will be accepted.  QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED.

5. Tobacco is a costly habit-especially in California, where a pack 
of cigarettes cost $5.  Did you know that money spent on tobacco in 
ONE MONTH could buy a digital camera, and in one year a big screen 
TV?  If you are thinking about quitting, or you are concerned about a 
friend who smokes, come to an confidential chat with Paulinne 
Bondonno, BUSD's smoking cessation counselor.  Please call 644-6034 
or visit H104 for further info.

6. All sophomores who are signed up for AP Language and Composition 
next year, your summer reader is in!  Please pick it up from Ms. 
Tebbe in C216 during lunch any day.  The summer reading assignment is 

7. BHS Summer School takes place Wednesday, June 18 through Friday, 
July 25.  Applications and course offerings are available through 
your counselor.  Priority registration takes place from now until 
June 2nd.  Summer school is offered only to students who earned a D 
or an F in an academic class.  If you think you may need to be in 
Summer School, make sure you register now!

8. Camera lost at the BHS Senior prom.  Reward being offered if 
returned.  Please come to the Admin office for more information. What 
we really want is the memory stick.  It means the most to the person 
who lost it.  The pictures are important.

9. denise brown memorial project:  do you have great memories of ms. 
brown? Funny stories? Songs you remember singing in her kindergarten 
class? AHA is collecting the writing and artwork of students, parents 
and staff at Berkeley High to honor the memory and spirit of denise 
brown. Anyone who is interested in contributing can bring their 
writing, artwork, photography, etc., to Mr. Cagan in Room A105. If 
you are interested in being videotaped to talk about Ms. brown, or to 
do a performance piece, let Mr. Cagan know and we will arrange a date 
for videotaping. The completed project will be a book of collected 
writing and artwork, along with a DVD of Ms. Brown and her students 
and friends. Seniors - make sure to get your submissions in before 
you leave Berkeley High!"

10. Those of you who participated in the Pomp and Circumstance 
project, must have one parent sign the release form for us to use 
your photograph.  You may pick up your release form from 
Vice-Principal Vernon Walton's office in D-156.  Please return the 
release form to Vice Principal Walton's office by Wednesday, June 
11th.  All participants are entitled to one 5x7 inch photograph and 
groups get one photograph.  Those 17 years old must have one parental 
signature before you receive your photograph.  Those of you who were 
18, amd participated in the project, may also pick up up your 
photograph from Mr. Walton's office.  Thank you for participating in 
this documentary.


*1. Fire meeting on Thursday, June 5, for the celebration of our 
accomplishments this year.


Senior/ Junior Section

1. Tuesday, June 3 - Last day for seniors to turn in a Transcript
Request Form to Ms. Mellion in D173 so that we can send an official
transcript to the school they will be attending in the fall.  Write
"FINAL TRANSCRIPT" in capital letters across the top of the form and
paper clip it to a stamped business size envelope addressed to the
college, with Berkeley High School (1980 Allston Way, Berkeley 94704)
as the return address.  If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must
sign the request form.  All colleges require that students send them a
final transcript confirming their senior year grades.

*2. JUNIORS: The new Introducing the University booklet from the 
University of California is now available in D221.  This very helpful 
booklet contains information on each UC campus including lists of 
majors, student and admissions data and contact information, as well 
as general information on applying for admissions and financial aid. 
If you are planning to apply to any UC campuses in the fall, please 
stop by to pick up your copy. 

*3. The JUNIOR Summer To Do List and the Senior Profile are now 
available in the College/Career Center.  Students and their 
parents/guardians must complete the Senior Profile if they are 
applying to any college which requires a counselor recommendation. 
The UC's and Cal States do not accept counselor recommendations. 
Although the completed Senior Profile is not due until September, we 
strongly recommend that students fill it out over the summer because 
they will be extremely busy in the fall. 

4. SCHOLARSHIPS: Salvadoran-American Leadership and Educational Fund 
(SALEF) - Open to graduating seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.5 who 
have a background of Salvadoran, Central American, Latino ethnicity, 
have financial need, and have a history of community service and 
involvement.  recipients must be able to help other students through 
mentoring,~community service, or tutoring after receiving the award. 
The application is available at www.salef.org .  Scholarship: 
$500-$2,500.  Deadline:  June 30. 

Summer Opportunities

1. The Museum of Children's Art (MOCHA) is seeking High School youth
for volunteer positions as an Art Apprentices, working at our Art Camp
this summer (June 11-Aug 24). We are looking for responsible teens
with an interest in art and having fun. The Art Apprentices will be
assisting our Art instructors by helping young campers (ages 5-13)
making art, preparing materials for art projects, clean up, recess
supervision and chaperoning field trips to other museums and programs.
This is a great opportunity to gain experience working in art and
supervising children. The minimum commitment is 5-6 hours per day for
two weeks (not necessarily consecutive weeks).For more information and
applications call:
MOCHA at 510-465-8770

2. Applications for Youth Spirit Artworks 2008 Summer Commercial Arts
Training Program--Now Being Accepted  Youth Spirit Artworks, the new
commercial arts training program for youth, is now accepting
applications for its 2008 summer intensive arts furniture painting
jobs program which will be held from June 23, 2008 through August 8,
2008. Spaces are limited--Youth Spirit will accept 20 youth for the
program. The summer program will be held from 9:30am to 2:30pm Monday
through Friday at Berkeley Technology Academy, Art Studio/Room 126,
2701 Martin Luther King Jr. Way (at Derby), Berkeley, CA 94703. Free
lunch is provided. All participating youth completing the program will
receive stipends, as well as 50 percent of the proceeds of everything
we sell. For information contact: Kscottbey at youthspiritartworks.org or
call 510-282-0396. Visit the YSA website at:

3. STAGE DOOR CONSERVATORY will be hiring three students to work as
apprentices from June 16 through August 25.  Apprentices will assist
with the day-to-day operation of our musical theater camp and with
rehearsals. They will also select and focus upon one specialty area
and focus on this area during their apprenticeship.  Each apprentice
will be paid a $1,000 stipend at the conclusion of the 10 week period
and can be absent for one week during the season, with the exception
of the weeks of August 2 and August 18. Program hours: 8:30 AM to 4:00
PM, MON - FRI. Apprentices must also work at our shows on August 8, 9
and 10 and 22, 23 and 24.  For more information and an application,
please email us at stagedoor2005 at yahoo.com. Counselor-in-training
opportunities are also available.

All Students

1. ART COMPETITION- Youth Spirit Artworks is holding an art
competition for Berkeley youth, giving young people the opportunity to
create art designs for wooden benches along the Adeline Street
Corridor in South Berkeley. The themes for the bench designs need to
relate to health and health care reform since this is part of a health
education campaign in South and West Berkeley addressing health
disparities in our community. The bench designs chosen will be painted
on nine local benches in 2008. The name of the artist/designer will be
designated on each bench. Designs will be accepted through June 1st.
Prizes are available for the top three designs chosen. For information
Kscottbey at youthspiritartworks.org  or call 510-282-0396 or visit the
YSA website at: http://www.youthspiritartworks.org/

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