[BHS etree] MISC: Advice on improving grades & BHS free tutoring link

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Sun May 25 14:13:55 PDT 2008

Contact: Karen Meryash    <mailto:kspivey at ix.netcom.com>kspivey at ix.netcom.com

Progress Reports have arrived and your student may be interested in 
improving their grades!! Some suggestions for parent and student 

MEET with teacher, student and parent - arrange a meeting with the 
teacher via email (see 
<http://www.bhsacademicchoice.com>www.bhsacademicchoice.com for AC 
Meeting the teacher in person will provide both parent and student 
the most dimensional picture of the problem and its solution
IDENTIFY with teacher and student areas of  weakness : incomplete 
homework, low test scores, inattention in class
MAKE a plan with specific due dates, assignments and priority study areas
GET additional help/ tutoring
CHECK in daily with your student
This is the link to the free tutoring resources at Berkeley High School


If your student should receive a final grade of a D or F this 
semester they can repeat up to two semester courses this summer at 
the BHS summer school. 
Your student's counselor will have details.  Visit 
<http://www.bhs.berkeleypta.org>www.bhs.berkeleypta.org for teacher 
and counselor contact information.  

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