[BHS etree] SPORTS: BHS Crew Intro to Rowing Workshop: May 31

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu May 22 15:42:30 PDT 2008

Please do not hit reply. Contact Rosa Luevano mailto:rluevano at pacbell.net
(510) 525-0102

Berkeley High Crew is offering a FREE hands-on introduction to rowing
workshop for all interested BHS students and entering BHS freshmen.
The three-hour session will take place at our Oakland boathouse on:

Saturday May 31.
9am - Noon
Jack London Aquatic Center

BHS Crew men's and women's team coaches and Varsity rowers will be on
hand to introduce students to the BHS Varsity sport of rowing.
Participants will tour the boathouse, learn about the different types
of rowing shells and oars, view a crew race video and have an
opportunity to get behind an oar and try out rowing.

Participants must be able to swim and have a parent present at the
start of the workshop to sign a Jack London Aquatic Center waiver.

For more information about the workshop, email or call Rosa Luevano
rluevano at pacbell.net
(510) 525-0102

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