[BHS etree] PTSA: Parent Ed Reminder: Diffusing Teenage Anger, Tues June 3, 7 to 9pm

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Tue May 20 21:33:55 PDT 2008

Do not reply to etree, contact Audrey Spector 
mailto:audrey12 at comcast.net,  or Wendy Lucas
mailto:wlukas at sbcglobal.net

REMINDER! The PTSA invites ALL BHS parents and
guardians to the second parent education evening

Diffusing Teenage Anger

When: Tuesday, June 3, 7:00 to 9:00pm
Where: Library, Berkeley High School

Presenter: Karen Lingenfelter, Certified Anger
Management Trainer

Managing anger can be a tremendous challenge for teens
as they experience physical and emotional changes, the
demands of social relationships, peer pressure and
family expectations.  Learn common triggers for teen
anger and strategies for managing intense emotion.
Gain insight into your own feelings and reactions.

Karen Lingenfelter
Karen currently teaches court-directed anger
management and parenting classes for adults. In
addition, Karen conducts workshops on self-esteem,
positive discipline, communication, teen anger,and
bullying prevention. Karen owns Life Issues Training &
Education which is a company that provides private
consultations, workshops and conference presentations
throughout Northern California.

Sponsored and Funded By: PTSA and Berkeley High School
Development Group
We want to thank the many BHS parents and guardians
who attended the first parent education event (about 45
people attended!).

We are very excited to report that the BHS
Development Group has funded this parent education
series for the coming 2008-09 school year. We receive
emails every week from parents and faculty in support
of this effort - many with great ideas about topics
parents want more information about - keep them

ALL BHS parents and guardians are warmly welcomed to
all parent education events.  We hope you will attend!
If you can attend, please RSVP, so we can make sure we
have the right space. If you are not sure, as usual,
just come to the meeting whether or not you RSVP!

Kind regards,

PTSA Volunteers
Audrey Spector (audrey12 at comcast.net)
Wendy Lukas (wlukas at sbcglobal.net)

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