[BHS etree] PARENT RESOURCE CENTER: College Funding Workshop - Feb. 23

bhs at idiom.com bhs at idiom.com
Thu Feb 21 13:56:33 PST 2008

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to the etree, contact Simon Tiles
[mailto:stiles at berkeley.k12.ca.us] 

Attention Parents and Students
(See below for Español)

In addition to the fine college workshops being presented by the BHS
College Career Center, The Parent Resource Center will host a workshop
on funding with Mrs. Barbara Austin of College Quest. Mrs. Austin is a
private coach and will give a two hour presentation on "How to Get
Into Great Colleges With Great Money."

If your child is going to college, then this workshop is for you; the
money is out there but you need to know where to look for it. Mrs.
Austin has tons of information on how to write winning essays, tax
information, what colleges are looking for in students and much, much


When:	Saturday February 23, 2008

Where:	Berkeley High School College Career Center
		1980 Allston Way, 2nd floor, Main Administration
		Berkeley, CA 

Time:		10 AM to 12 Noon

Atención Padres y Estudiantes

De manera adicional a los talleres presentados por el  College Career
Center, El Parent Resource Center tiene el placer de presentar un
taller acerca de fondos para la universidad con la Sra. Barbara Austin
de College Quest. La Sra. Austin realizara una presentación acerca de
“Como Ser Admitido en Buenas Universidades y Obtener Una Buena
Cantidad de Dinero”
La Sra. Austin presentara información acerca de cómo escribir ensayos
para las universidades, información de impuestos, y mucho mas. 

Cuando:	Sábado 23 de Febrero del 2008

Donde:	Berkeley High School College Career Center
		1980 Allston Way, 2do Piso, Edificio Administrativo
		Berkeley, CA 

Horario:	10 AM a 12 del mediodía 

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